Jealous Pirate

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Summary: You were a VK kid and apart of Uma's crew. Everyone knew about your crush on Harry Hook, evern Gil and we know that boys not the brightest. One day when you are talking about it Harry joins the conversation. Then one lie leads to a jealous pirate.

"Y/N just admit that you loooooooooove Harry," Gil said with the biggest smirk on his face. "Oh shut up, I do not," I said trying to hid the blush that was creeping on on my face.

"You so do, Y/N and Harry sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-," Uma sang but was cut off by you. "Ok, ok, we get it. If I say I like him will you leave me alone?"

"Say you like who", a thick accent asked.

"Harry, hey. When um, when did you get here," I said trying to make my voice not shaky but failing.

"Just now, so you were saying that you liked someone," he questioned me with a foreign expression on his face I had never seen before. Jealousy maybe?When I didn't answer Gil decided to answer for me. Perfect.

"Y/N was saying how much she loves-"

"GRANT! I have a HUGE crush on Grant," I shouted out just so Harry wouldn't know it was him. I looked over to Gil and Uma who were shooting daggers at me.

"Grant?" Harry questioned with a puzzled look.

"Yes Grant, you know, Mother Gothel's son," I stated. I have never seen so much hatred and sadness in a person's eyes as I did when I looked at Harry's.

"What is so great about Grant?" He asked with venom dripping off his tongue.

"Me and Gil are gonna go so you two can have more privacy," Uma said with a sly smile. As Gil and her walked out the room she gave me a wink before closing the door.

"Y/n you need someone who will treat you like a queen. Someone who would drop everything they have to be with you. You need a man, not some silly boy who will end up hurting you. He's not good enough for you, y/n. He isn't even half as good as he should be.You could do so much better," He said with so much convention in his voice.

"Do you really think that," I asked with hope laced in my voice.

"Of course I do, love," He said as a smile spread on his face. "Harry, why do you care who I like anyway?" I questioned with a little hope that he would say he liked me.

"I-I, It's just," Harry sighed. "Y/n I love you. I know you like Grant but you are worth so much more then him. Trust me when I say he won't treat you right. Y/n I could make you happy. I could give you the life you deserve. I could give you the world," He said with so much love in his voice, as he stroked my face with his hook.

"Oh Harry, I don't like Grant. I just said that so you wouldn't know I liked you. Oh who am I kidding? I love you, not like you. I can't see my life without you," I said as a rushed forward to hug Harry. He immediately hugged back, carefully placing his hook on your back.

"Y/n, please be my girlfriend and let me treat you like the queen you deserve to be treated as," Harry said as he pulled away to look me in the eyes.

"Yes, of course Harry!" I replied happily. Harry smiled widely and pulled me into a kiss.

"Finally!" Gil and Uma said at the same time. I pulled away from Harry and started to laugh. "You guys better run," Harry said with an amused tone as we started chasing after them.

A/n Sorry if it seemed a little out of his character, I am going to write more imagines with him so I promise I will write it more like him.

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