Don't Fight This, Don't Fight Us

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Request/Summary: Can you please do an imagine of Harry Hook where Harry gets brought to Auradon and you are TinkerBells daughter but when u look into his eyes u guys fall in love & you go home to tell ur mom but she gets mad so you decide to avoid your feelings for Harry but he pushes it. You can chose ur ending if it doesn't make sense (:

Warnings: None

"Thank you again for doing this y/n," My best friend Ben whispered to me as the limo carrying the kids from the Isle pulled up. I gave him a small smile and nod.

"No problem," I whispered back. The limo driver hopped out and opened the door. Out stepped a girl with teal hair, a boy with blonde hair, and another boy with brown hair. I looked them up and down and notice the hook the brown haired boy carried. That could only mean one thing.

He was Captain James Hook's son.

The smile I had on my face fell slightly as I looked over to Ben.

"Hello guys, welcome to Auradon," He said with a huge grin on his face. He must have sensed my discomfort as he looked over at me with a worried expression. I simply turned back to the three of them and made eye contact with Hooks son. All the fear I had felt from being around him went away when I looked into his beautiful eyes. He smirked at me and I immediately ripped my gaze away from his blushing. I looked at the other two kids and saw them staring at me, Ben noticed this too.

"This is Y/n Bell. She will be showing you guys around the school and answering any questions you have. Y/n This is Uma, Gil, and Harry," Ben pointed to them when he said there names. I gave them all friendly smiles but quickly returned my attention to Ben as a guard came up and whispered something into Ben's ear.

"I am sorry but I have to go but I am leaving you in good hands," He said as he started walking off. I grabbed his hand and pulled him so our backs were facing the three.

"Ben you can't leave me with them, I thought you were going to stay with us during the tour," I said in a panicked tone. Ben laughed at me and patted my back.

"You will be fine, besides what could go wrong," He asked as he left me behind with them. After a few seconds I turned around with a forced smile. I didn't have a problem with them it was just that Harry kid made me want to melt when I looked at him.

"Well why don't we start the tour," I asked them with fake excitement. They all mumbled their agreement and we started the tour. As I walked them around the school Harry kept making flirty comments. Gil would laugh at them and Uma would scold him but would end up laughing. I would turn as red as the jacket he was wearing. After a long hour of being a blushing mess I finished the tour.

"That is pretty much it, if you guys have any questions then feel free to ask me. If you can't find me I am sure someone else will happily answer them," I finished feeling slightly relieved. I watched as Uma and Gil walked away to their dorms but Harry stayed behind.

"So, you're a Bell," He asked me. I nodded my head.

"I hope you don't have anything against me because of my father," He said after a while.

"You're not your father, I don't have anything to hold against you," I told him. That made him smile.

"I like you lass, do you want to go out sometime," He asked me with no trace of fear.

"L-Like a d-date," I stuttered out, shocked that he would want to go on a date with Tinker Bells daughter.

"Yeah, a date," He said a little uneasy. I smiled at him.

"Sure, why not. I have to be going though, my mom is expecting me. Just tell me tomorrow when you want to go," I told him as I turned to leave.

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