What About Love? Part 4~

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A/N: OMG look who is back from the dead 🥳🥳 I hope you guys like the 4th part and that it was actually worth the wait (probably not...it probably sucks like the other parts) isn't is weird to actually see an update that's a story? 😂😂

Last part:

Oh god please don't hit me up with that L word. Please stop moving your face closer to mine, I really don't want to kiss you when I just told you I wanted to break up.

"Well, if it isn't Y/N Y/L/N."

Oh great, even better.


"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise," he said with a smirk, causing me to snort.

"Harry it's not a surprise if you were looking for me."

"Wait a second, this is Harry?" Percy bitterly laughed out.


"And I'm assuming he's hooks son?" He questioned.

"How did you know?"

"Y/n he has a hook."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." I replied dumbly.

"So this is why you didn't want to tell me who the hell Harry was."

"You didn't want to talk about me duckling? That kind of hurts," Harry stated with a fake pout, taking a few steps forward.

"Harry Hook, it's a pleasure to meet you," Harry slurred out with a tight smile as he continued to stare at me.

"Percy Pan."

"Oh, a Pan?" He questioned, finally looking away as an amused smirk fell upon his face.

"What is my sweet little y/n doing with a Pan?"

I opened my mouth to make a snarky comment but Percy decided to speak instead, oh joy.

"She isn't your sweet little y/n, she's mine. We are dating," Percy stated as he pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

I tried to lowkey push him away as I looked over at him. Did I not just say a couple seconds ago I wanted to break up? I glanced over at Harry and I saw his jaw clench. He did not look happy at all. Which was understandable but at the same time wasn't. To be fair we weren't dating on the isle so technically I could date whoever I wanted. I mean he practically threw himself on to Uma at any chance he got and I didn't say anything. On the other hand, he knew how I felt about him and I know how he feels about me so it's understandable that he's mad. If the roles were reversed I don't think I would be too happy.

"Duckling I know we didn't end things on good terms but running into the arms of my enemy? Doesn't that seem like you're taking things to far?"

"I thought you said you were just friends," Percy mumbled out, trying to pull me closer to him again.

"Percy for the love of god please let go of me! Yes, Harry and I were just friends but I told you I had feelings for him. I don't know what you expected. And Harry how can you even call him your enemy when you don't know him?"

"You know what I don't even know why you're still talking to this, this thing when I told you I didn't want you talking to him or even thinking about him," Percy seethed out, voice raising in levels.

I honestly don't know who the hell he thinks he is.

"Yeah well I also told you I wanted to break up yet here we are with your crusty arm around my shoulder acting as if you own me."

This caused Harry to laugh which didn't last for long since I shot him a dirty look which shut him up.

"Y/n, baby, my sweet little gum drop come one! We both know that was just talk."

I rolled my eyes at this.

"Seriously y/n, why in the world would you date this son of a-"

"Alright well now that you two know each other I have to," I stated trailing off looking over Harry's shoulder as Evie caught my eye.

"I have to go murder someone. Percy we can talk later about us and whatever else you want me to tell you," I state as I rush past both of them to catch up to Evie as she books it down the hall.

"Hey love what about me?" Harry questions.

"We'll talk later I guess. Please don't do anything stupid and don't hurt or murder anyone," I rush out.

"Where's the fun in that?"

I roll me eyes at this and pause for a second.

"And Harry don't think we are cool again. I don't know how I feel and I don't really think we can be like how we were before unless I figure things out. I'm sorry."

With that I left them both standing there wide eyed with the hope that they wont kill each other.

"Now to go murder Evie," I whispered out, picking up my pace.

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