What About Love?

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A/n: Thank you for the request love, you are sooo sweet. I hope this is okay, if this isn't what you envisioned then please tell me. Also, I'm about to add some legally blonde the musical lyrics and On My Own from Les Miz so if you can spot them cool. If you see any mistakes please tell me because I never reread my stories. 

Request: A harry hook X VK FEM! reader based on the line "How could I convince myself that you loved me" I really love your writing and bless you for your gift. Thanks Bye !!!!

Warnings: None? Maybe a curse word?

V/P= villain parent

Y/n/n= Your nickname(if you don't have one then just read it as your name)

I frowned as I sat on a stool, watching Harry following Uma around like a little puppy. Ever since we were kids, I was in love with Harry hook. However, that love was only one sided. He only had his eyes set on Uma. Everyday I tried to convince myself that maybe, just maybe he did feel the same way. I would imagine his arms around me and his lips on mine but it was dumb of me too. It always ended the same anyway. It always ended with me on my own. I felt a tap on my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hi y/n," a cheery voice said. I smiled, realizing it was Gil.

"Hey Gilly, what can I help you with?" I asked. "Harry wanted me to tell you something. What was it again?" Chuckling I stood up from my seat and started walking away.

"Whenever you remember, just come find me," I called out to Gil as I exited the chip shop. "Wait, I remember now. He said something about not being able to hang out because he had important business to do with Uma," Gil in formed me. I knew it wasn't right for me to be jealous or angry but I couldn't help myself. It was always Uma this and Uma that.

"Oh um, okay. Tell him I said it's fine." There was a long pause before I finally exited the shop, taking the long route to my house.


"Psst, y/n wake up," I heard that annoying voice whisper out.

"Go away," I grumbled out as I turned the other way, not fully awake.

"Y/n it's me, Jay. Get up." This caused me to shoot up in my bed. "What are you doing here," I asked one of my closest friends. Harry, Uma, and Gil would kill me if they knew I hung out with Jay. Hell, they would kill me if they knew I hung out with Carlos and Evie. I'm not evil enough to be friends with Mal though."You have to leave now, if Uma or Harry find out I'm gonna-" I started but was cut off by him.

"Calm down Y/n, I just wanted to ask you a question." I gave him a confused look but nodded anyway.

"Well Mal, Carlos, Evie and I are leaving the Isle. King Ben has arranged for us to leave. He also invited you since you are V/p child. I understand if you don't want to go because of Harry and them but you have to think about what's best for you."

"How, how long do I have to decided," I whispered out not knowing what to do.

"Tomorrow night, we leave the next day bright and early." I nodded my head in understandment as he patted my knee and began to exit my room.

"Harry! Uma! Gil!" I screamed as I walked around the ship. It felt like hours before I finally found them.

"Hey guys I need to talk to you," I informed them as walked closer.

"Can it wait Y/n? We are in the middle of important business," Uma told him, not looking up from the paper in her hand.

"It's kind of important though," I told them. Uma looked up from the paper and gave me a dirty look.

"Whatever it is can wait. I don't care how important you think it is, I don't care about it right now," Uma hissed out.

"But," I started but once again got cut off by someone.

"Y/n, just leave. We don't want to hear it right now," Harry snapped. I stood there in shock. Sure, the two of them could get angry but they never snapped at me. Looking over at Gil for some support, he just avoided my gaze. "I'm leaving for auradon tomorrow with Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay."

All three of them stood looking at me with wide eyes. "What," Gil asked.

"I'm leaving," I told them blandly.

"You can't leave. You promised us that we would leave together. You promised me," Harry said, taking a few steps forward. I laughed bitterly.

"I was young and naive when I made that promise Harry. I need to start looking out for myself. I can't keep living in a place that holds nothing for me."

"Holds nothing for you? What are we y/n," Harry questioned.

"Harry I should be asking you that question. Whenever I want to talk to any of you you're always too busy. I'm I not important enough to get two seconds of your day?" Harry looked at me with hurt in his eyes, as did the others.

"Y/n we love you. You're part of our family," Uma stated, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry but I can't stay any longer. It's what's best for me," I informed them as I turned to go. As I walked off the ship I heard footsteps coming at me at a rapid pace.

"Y/n wait," Harry called out. Turning around I faced the young pirate.

"Please don't go love, we need you here. Y/n/n I'm not going to be able to function without you," He told me as he began to stroke my hair with his hook.

"I have to go Harry, I can't stay here any longer. If you give me a good enough reason to stay than maybe I will." Harry paused for a few seconds. I turned back around and started walking back home.

"What about love? I never mentioned love. The timings bad I know but if I made it more clear that you belonged right here, perhaps you wouldn't have to go," He stammered out.

"That's not fair Harry. I have waited years for you to say that and now that I am getting a chance for a better life and starting to move on you confess your feelings? Do you know how many nights I was deprived of sleep because I thought you would never love me. That you only loved Uma. Hell sometimes I would stay up just trying to convince myself that you did love me. Harry I was crazy about you, I still am but I have to do what is best for me and that is to leave. Goodbye Harry."

Again, I laid in my bed when I heard a voice call out my name.

"Y/n, are you awake?"

"Yeah," I answered the voice, knowing it was just Jay. He climbed into my window and sat next to me.

"So have you thought about what you're going to do?" He questioned me with hope in his voice. Thinking for a few more moments I finally nodded my head.

"Yes I have. I'm going to auradon."

A/n It's finally done! I have been thinking about making a part two to this or make it into a mini series but I'm not sure if I will. I don't know if I am happy where it ended because there is so much more that could happen you know? What do you guys think? Should I continue it or should I just leave it alone?

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