I'm Sorry

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Summary: When Ben is taken by Uma and her crew, you and the VK's go to save him. You were nervous to see your ex Harry because you guys didn't end on a good note.

"You ready to do this?" Evie asked with worry evident in her voice. "As ready as I will ever be," I stated with a sad smile. I knew I had to help them save Ben since he gave me a chance when no one else did but I didn't want to face Harry. I wasn't ready to face him yet. I knew that once I saw him, all those feelings I felt would come rushing back. Feelings of love, hurt, and longing.

"Y/nn ( Your nickname) come on," Mal said pulling me out of my thoughts. As we entered the tunnel leading to Uma's ship I felt my heart rate increase. "I can do this, I can do this," I kept mumbling to myself.

"Welcome," I heard him say. I looked everywhere but where he was. Uma and Mal went back and forth but I wasn't really listening. Feeling eyes burning the side of my face so I looked over to where Harry was. We made eye contact and he gave me a yearning look. I quickly looked away not wanting to get lost in his eyes as I have many times before. Instead I focused Mal and Uma.

~Insert going down here~

After Uma realized the wand was fake, a sword fight broke out. Even though it had been a good bit since my last sword fight I was still very skillful at it. As I pushed one of the pirates into the water I heard his voice.

"Hello darling," he said with a smirk on his face.

"Hook," I said with a stone cold look on my face. Our swords started clashing. Taking out all the anger I felt towards him as he did the same.

"So how have you been Har?" I asked thinking maybe I could distracted him since he was way better at fighting then I was.

He laughed.

"Honestly, I could be better. I am sure you have been great though, since you never even loved me." He stated with a hint of anger in his tone.

"What are you talking about? You were the one who ended out relationship, not me," I said as I became angry. He was the one who ended it, how dare he say I didn't love him. "Harry the day you end our relationship, a part of me died. I didn't smile for months, I barely ate . I cried myself to sleep every night. Harry you broke me. Now you have the audacity to say that I never loved you and that I was great without you," I said my voice growing in volume as I grew angry.

Tears began to spill out my eyes from the hurt I felt. At this point we stopped sword fighting.

"Y/n, I broke up with you because I just wanted you to be happy. You became distant with me. When I looked at you there was a pain in your eyes and I thought I caused it," Harry confessed to me.

"Harry, it wasn't you. My mom/dad (You can pick the villain) were putting a lot of pressure on me and I just had things going on. It was never you. Harry, why didn't you just talk to me?" I questioned. "We could have fixed what need to be fixed, why did you have to give up," I asked him desperately.

"Y/n, we have to go," Jay called to me.

"Please," Harry begged. I looked back at Mal, Jay, Carlos, Evie, and Ben.

"Goodbye Harry," I said with sadness.

"Y/n, please don't. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I gave up on us when you never did. I can't live without you. I can't lose you again," Harry begged.

"Harry, I have to go. I'm sorry," I said as I ran to the tunnel. I heard his footsteps but they stopped when Uma said "Let her go Harry."

When I reached the tunnel I stopped running and turned around. "I love you Harry," I said as Mal kicked the bridge down. I watched the bridge fall down, it wasn't just a bridge though. It was the last thing connecting me to Harry Hook.

A/N I hope the last sentence makes sense. I'm not the best with words so hopefully it came out the way I wanted it to.

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