Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

Hermione and Evelyn were nestled in a quiet corner of the library, surrounded by the comforting hush of the room. They watched through a large window as Harry, looking both excited and slightly overwhelmed, trailed behind Oliver Wood. Oliver, the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, was carrying a hefty trunk filled with gear. Harry was helping, his face glowing with a mix of anticipation and nervousness as he prepared for his first Quidditch practice.

Evelyn's gaze wandered from the scene outside back to her homework, but her mind was far from the equations and spells laid out before her. Her thoughts kept drifting back to her unsettling conversation with Malfoy. Why had he threatened her like that? How had he found out about her connection to Voldemort? The fear and confusion gnawed at her, making it hard to focus.

"Hey, you okay?" Hermione's voice broke through Evelyn's thoughts, filled with genuine concern.

Evelyn blinked, snapping back to reality. "Oh, yeah. Just zoned out for a sec," she replied, attempting to sound casual. Hermione's worried expression softened, and she nodded before returning to her textbook, her brow furrowing in concentration.

Evelyn appreciated Hermione's quiet support. Over the past month, they had grown closer, often spending their afternoons in the library, lost in their studies. Hermione was more than just a friend; she was a source of knowledge and kindness, always willing to help and listen. Evelyn admired her dedication and intellect, and their shared time in the library had become a comforting routine.

As Hermione immersed herself in her reading, Evelyn's thoughts continued to churn. She wanted to confide in Hermione, but she hesitated, unsure how to explain the full extent of her fears without revealing too much about her past.

With a deep breath, Evelyn tried to refocus on her homework. The library's calm atmosphere provided a small respite from her worries, but the unease lingered. Evelyn finally had enough of her homework and left Hermione with a smile and a simple bye. She decided to walk around the grounds, still getting accustomed to the large castle. Lost in thought, she didn't notice the person ahead of her until it was too late. Evelyn collided with someone, stumbling backward and landing ungracefully on the ground.

"Oh, sorry, love, I wasn't watching where I was going!" A warm, gentle voice said. Evelyn felt a strong hand help her to her feet, and she looked up to see a boy with wavy brown hair and soft, kind eyes.

" was my fault, I wasn't paying attention," Evelyn said, brushing herself off as she took in the boy's appearance. He wore yellow and black, with a Hufflepuff crest proudly displayed on his robes.

"Well I must say, I never heard a Slytherin apologize before" he chuckled.

"Technically I didn't." she said, smiling slightly. "I'm Evelyn, by the way, Evelyn Riddle" she said and the boy nodded.

"Cedric Diggory" he said and the shook hands. "So Miss Evelyn Riddle, since I so rudely bumped into you, can I walk you back up to the castle?" He asked her and she smiled. Cedric was just being nice, as any Hufflepuff would be, but Evelyn was grateful for it.

"That sounds great." she answered politely. The two walked on, talking and finding conversation easy. Cedric shared tidbits about the castle, his experiences as a third-year student, and his thoughts on various Hogwarts traditions. Evelyn learned that Cedric valued fairness and liked earning things, not just having them given to him. Evelyn admired that about him. As the sun went down they set back to the castle and parted when they reached the great hall.

"Make a new friend?" Hermione asked, curiosity piqued as Evelyn joined her at the Gryffindor table.

"Yes, Cedric Diggory," Evelyn replied, settling into her seat. "Ever heard of him?"

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