Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

Evelyn emerged from the Slytherin common room, the cool summer air of Hogwarts greeting her as she made her way through the dimly lit dungeons. The castle had a different feel during the summer; it was quieter, the corridors echoing with her footsteps. Evelyn was staying at Hogwarts over the break, thanks to Dumbledore's kind offer. She had settled into the idea of spending the summer at the castle, far from the orphanage she had been dreading to return to.

As she walked towards the grand staircase, Evelyn noticed a familiar figure striding confidently toward her: Draco Malfoy. His platinum hair was perfectly slicked back, and he had the usual smug expression plastered on his face. Evelyn sighed inwardly; she wasn't in the mood for another confrontation.

"Riddle," Malfoy drawled, his voice smooth but with a hint of condescension. "I didn't expect to see you here over the summer. What's the matter? Did the orphanage not want you back?"

Evelyn stopped in her tracks, her gaze meeting his with a steely resolve. "Not everyone is as eager to get rid of me as you might hope, Malfoy. I'm here because Dumbledore was kind enough to offer me a place."

Malfoy's smirk faltered for a moment, he looked as though he was thinking, weighing his options. "Well, enjoy your stay. I hope you find something worth sticking around for."

Evelyn stared at him, momentarily stunned by the genuine sentiment behind his words. "Thanks, Malfoy," she said, her voice reflecting her surprise.

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Evelyn to continue on her way. She shook her head, brushing off the strange encounter as she continued to the entrance hall where she was meeting her friends.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were already there, waiting for her near the large, ornate doors. Their faces lit up as they saw her approaching.

"Evelyn!" Harry called out, waving her over with a bright smile. "We were just talking about our summer plans."

Evelyn grinned and made her way over to her friends. "What are you guys planning?"

Ron spoke up first, his excitement palpable. "Well, Harry might come over for some time at the Burrow. You have to join us! It's going to be a blast."

"The Burrow?" Evelyn questioned, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Yeah," Ron replied with a sheepish smile. "It's what we call our home. It's a bit of a mess, but it's what we got."

Hermione nodded enthusiastically. "I'm staying with my parents, but I'm planning to visit the library as often as I can. There are so many books I want to read, and I'm hoping to do some extra research on magical creatures and spells."

"That sounds amazing," Evelyn said, genuinely impressed. "I'm planning on spending my summer here, exploring the castle, and maybe learning a few new spells. Dumbledore mentioned I'd have access to some of the classrooms, including Potions." Her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief.

Harry chuckled. "Don't go blowing up Snape's classroom, alright?"

"Can you even get into trouble over the summer though?" Ron asked, his tone playful, as if he secretly hoped Evelyn might stir up a little trouble.

"Of course she can!" Hermione scolded, though a smile tugged at her lips. They all laughed, the camaraderie warming their spirits. As they continued chatting, sharing more about their summer plans and recounting their favorite moments from the past year, Evelyn felt a deep sense of contentment. Even though they would be apart over the summer, the bond they shared made it feel less like a goodbye and more like a temporary pause before their next adventure.

They exchanged warm hugs and promises to write, each one feeling a mix of nostalgia and anticipation for the future. Evelyn watched her friends walk toward the train, their laughter and conversation echoing down the corridor. Evelyn smiled after her friends as they disappeared down out of sight. The castle loomed ahead, its stone walls looking even more welcoming under the summer sun. As she turned to head back inside, she heard a familiar voice calling out to her.

"Evelyn! Wait up!"

Evelyn stopped and turned to see Cedric Diggory hurrying toward her. The third-year student, who would soon be a fourth year, looked both excited and a bit out of breath.

"Hey," Evelyn said with a cool but friendly smile.

"Hey," Cedric replied, catching his breath. "I just wanted to wish you a great summer. And... well, I was hoping we could keep in touch." He handed her a small piece of parchment with his address written on it.

Evelyn's smile widened as she took the note. "I'd love that."

"Great!" Cedric said, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I couldn't go through the summer without hearing from my favorite little Slytherin."

Before Evelyn could react, Cedric gave her a playful ruffle on the head and pulled her into a warm hug. Evelyn laughed, feeling a mix of surprise and genuine affection. She hugged him back, appreciating the gesture.

"Thanks, Cedric," Evelyn said as they broke the hug. "Have a great summer yourself."

With a final wave, Cedric turned and walked toward the exit. Evelyn watched him go, her heart lifting with the kindness she'd received. She turned back to face Hogwarts, her new home, and took a deep breath. The castle seemed even more inviting now, and she felt a sense of anticipation and excitement for the summer ahead. 

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