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Edward Riddle had gone into hiding. Deep hiding. After witnessing the horrifying transformation of his brother, Tom Riddle, into the feared dark wizard known as Lord Voldemort, Edward had vanished into the remote countryside with his young daughter, Evelyn. His goal was simple: to escape the dark shadow cast by his brother and to protect Evelyn from the evil lurking closer than she could ever understand.

Tom's rise to power had been relentless, fueled by a cunning mind, an insatiable thirst for power, and a complete disregard for human life. Edward had seen firsthand the twisted pleasure his brother took in manipulating others, bending their will until they broke. Trusting Tom had been Edward's gravest mistake—a mistake that had cost him dearly. Now, the only thing he could do was keep Evelyn as far away from Tom as possible, shielding her from the horrors that threatened to engulf their world.

For seven years, they lived in a fragile peace, moving constantly, never staying in one place for too long. Edward tried to give Evelyn a semblance of normalcy, teaching her to read and write, telling her stories, and letting her play in the fields like any other child. But there was always an undercurrent of fear, a tension that neither father nor daughter could fully shake. Every rustle of leaves, every shadow in the night, every knock at the door sent Edward's heart racing. He knew they couldn't hide forever. Tom's reach was long, and his followers were fanatically loyal.

The inevitable happened one chilly autumn evening.

Bellatrix Lestrange, Voldemort's most devoted and fanatical follower, had never given up the search for Edward and Evelyn, even after Voldemort's supposed defeat by the infant Harry Potter. Her obsession with her master's orders was unwavering, and when she finally tracked them down, there was no hesitation. Edward knew they had been found. The signs were all there—the strange noises in the night, the feeling of being watched, the subtle but unmistakable traces of dark magic that lingered in the air. So, in the dead of night, he took Evelyn by the hand and drove her to the nearest town, a place where the magical world would least expect them to be—a small, quiet police station in the middle of nowhere. As they approached, Edward's heart pounded in his chest, but his face remained calm, determined.

Reluctantly, Evelyn stepped out of the car, her heart heavy with dread. She looked back at her father one last time, her eyes pleading with him to change his mind. But Edward's face was set, his decision made. With a final nod, he motioned for her to go inside.

Edward drove away from the police station, his hands trembling as he gripped the steering wheel. Every fiber of his being wanted to turn back, to hold Evelyn one more time, but he knew he couldn't. He had to lead them away from her, to ensure that she remained hidden. Bellatrix Lestrange was close—he could feel it—and he had to draw her away before she found the one person he had left to protect.

He didn't have to wait long.

As he drove down a deserted road, the air around him suddenly grew cold, the darkness deepening. Edward's heart sank as he saw the flickering lights in his rearview mirror—a sign that dark magic was at work. He pulled the car to a stop, knowing that there was no escaping what was about to happen.

Bellatrix Lestrange appeared out of the shadows, her black robes billowing around her like a shroud. Her wild, dark hair framed a face twisted with a manic glee, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of the hunt. She had finally caught up to him.

"Edward Riddle," she hissed, her voice dripping with malice. "Did you really think you could hide from me forever?"

Edward stepped out of the car, standing tall despite the fear gnawing at his insides. "Bellatrix," he greeted her calmly, though his voice betrayed none of the terror he felt. "You always were persistent."

Harry Potter: The Forgotten Chronicles-Book 1Where stories live. Discover now