C4 | Warm Memories |

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Chapter 4

You slowly open your eyes as the sun almost blinds you. You slowly sit up from your warm cocoon and struggle to get used to the sun's bright rays of light. As soon as you regain your senses, you start to smell something that makes your mouth water.

You get out of your blanket and walk towards the kitchen. You lean against the kitchen doorway and spot a pan with sizzling bacon in it. You look at the pitch black haired boy who was struggling to get plates out of the top shelf. Even though he's older than you, he's short for his age, but he's still taller than you...By about two inches. You giggle and that gets Levi's attention.

"Why do you have plates in the top shelf when you can't even reach them?" You ask. He grunts.

"I don't freaking know!" He finally gets two plates and places eggs, a piece of bacon, and a biscuit on each. He hand you a plate and a fork.

"Thank you." You say. You can see the smallest smile appear on his pale face, but it quickly disappears. After breakfast you start to change his bandages. You bust out the cloth and you carry on a conversation.

"So Levi, how old are you?" You ask.

"12." You look at him. "Hey! I'm 11! You're only a year older than me!" He nods. You guys start talking about to each other and you find out many different things about him. You found out his parents are dead, he's a clean freak, a good cook, he never shows emotion(You actually found that out yourself), and found out in two years, he will join the Survey Corps.

"My dad came home last night and started beating me. My mom came in to prevent him from hurting me anymore, but he ended up beating her as well. Mom somehow knocked dad out and ordered me to jump out of the window upstairs because dad was blocking the doorway. I jumped out and just as mom was jumping, dad grabbed her ankle. He dragged her downstairs and started beating her with a fire poker, that was freshly out of the fire. They didn't notice the fireplace made a fire and they were trapped. But once dad spotted me, I ran out of fright...That's when I met you..." You finished your story with a tear escaping from your eye.

Levi stares at you with dreary eyes. You looked at him with the same expression on your face. He pulls you into a hug, making his warmth spreading through your body like wildfire. A small blush crept up on your face.

"I'm sorry. Don't worry, I'll be here with you..." He choked out. Tears started to well up in your eyes as he let go of you. He wiped away your tears. You guys sat there, starring into each others eyes.

"Want to accompany me at the market?" Levi asked. You quickly nod in response. He runs to his coat closet and pulls out a coat your size and hands it to you. You smile and slid it on with ease. He grabs some cash and you both head out.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" You look at Levi. "Stew or Meat and Potatoes?" He asks. You think for a moment.

"Stew?" He smiles a small smile.

"I was hoping you'd say that." You grab some onions, steak, and broth while Levi gets carrots, potatoes, corn, and beans. You both headed home and cleaned the house. Levi was kind of debating about if you should help clean.

"I'm just afraid you won't clean to my expectations." You glared at him.

"Pffft! I bet I can clean as good as you!"

"Fine! Challenge accepted!" He growls.

"You're on." you say. You bust out the cleaning supplies and you get started by cleaning the bathroom, you clean it until it's spotless and then move onto the kitchen, then his bedroom. After about an hour later you both are done.

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