End | Bonus Chapter |

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Hello everyone! At the end of this bonus chapter, I do have a few questions for you all that I hope you all can answer for me!

Thank you~


Bonus Chapter

This chapter takes place during the separation of the reader and Levi. Instead of your point of view, it's Levi's.


The wind was furious, constantly trying to pull me away. It felt like I was being shoved to the side by Mother Nature. The snow had gotten into my boots and was not getting any better. I opened my frozen eyes and looked around me, wanting to find anything that could be of help. From a far, far distance, I spotted what looked to be a small cave. While still looking around, making sure I didn't run into any titans, I found my 3DMG. The metal was cold, already rusted and covered in frozen blood. I ignored it, knowing it would not work, especially in such a harsh blizzard. It was odd.. we didn't normally get that much snow..

Slowly, I had began to walk towards that cave. The closer I got, the more tired I became. My thoughts were running. Where was I? Was I beyond the wall? Would I even live to see her again? These questions at the back of my mind were nagging me. The need to see her again was immense. Why would I ever leave her.. I promised her.

As I walked into the cave, I took my traveling robes from my bag, putting them on to keep warm. Surprisingly, it was working. I fell asleep quickly.


My eyes drifted open to this weird motion I felt in the ground. As I looked up, I saw an oddly large titan walking across the snow covered field. It didn't see me, but it looked so.. different. It's eyes glowed a bright red and it was making small growling noises.

I stayed silent until it was completely out of my sights. As I watched it disappear into the distance, I realized that it was not snowing anymore. I got up and out of my cave and saw Wall Maria very close. My heart had been beating fast as I got more excited. I immediately got my thing and had began my trek to the wall. Soon I was facing the hole in the wall. I was on edge and ideas were running through my mind. Whatever I did, I could not be caught.

With sheer determination, I turned the corner and sprinted to the one place I knew would not be near Titans. I sprinted as fast but quietly as I could, and soon I made it to my destination. As I turned another corner, I saw it. Somehow it was still in one piece, but, nevertheless, looked quite worn. I opened the front door and smiled as I admired the old cottage I spent all that time with her in. Suddenly, a though popped in my head. Where was it? I ran across the cottage, hoping it was still there. Luckily, I had found it in my drawer. I opened the box that revealed the (engagement gem) ring. I smiled.

This ring at first wasn't meant for marriage. At first I just wanted to give her a ring to remember me by, but as soon as I picked up that ring, I knew I wanted it on her finger. I knew that the ring would be what truly made her mine. Quickly, I stuffed the ring in my pocket and left the cottage. I wandered the town in hopes of finding some lost horses. Since titans didn't really eat our horses, I found one pretty quickly. I only rode him to get close enough for walking distance. I patted the horse and then began to walk the rest of the way.

It felt like a miracle when I walked through Wall Rose. I was so very happy. As I approached, I saw many of my Cadets and Recruits running around when they spotted me. Soon, I saw someone walk out to me. They took my hand and brought me to the Survey Corps HQ. My hood was over my head, so no one knew who I was. Soon enough, I saw her. She looked as beautiful as ever. Her worried expression broke my heart as ____ came to me with some warm cloth to help me out. She spoke, her sweet voice warming my heart.

Are you okay?" She said, looking down and trying to see under my hood. I nodded my head.

"What's your name?" She asked. As I slowly looked up at her, she covered her mouth, trying to hold back any kind of sadness. I smiled faintly at her. She looked beautiful even in tears. It broke my heart even more.

"Who does it look like you idiot?" I murmured, trying to be quiet enough for only her to hear me.

We were together again.. me and my love.


I had never been so nervous, but ____'s reaction to my proposal made me feel so much better. I loved her, and god did I want her to be mine for the rest of my life. It would have been impossible for me to find another woman who made me feel the way ____ made me feel... impossible..

When I recovered, I was finally able to sleep in my own bed with _____. It felt different being in the bed with the person you are to wed. As I looked over at her, I saw she was staring at me. I turned her direction and rested my hand on her back, pulling her body closer to mine. I pulled her so close to me, because I missed her touch. Our bodies met as I leaned in. I rested my thumb on her bottom lip and slightly parted them. Our lips touched as I closed the gap between us. We continued to kiss and enjoy each other's touch. As we sat there, I looked her in the eyes.

"Baby, I'm cold." She said, staring back at me with this beautiful look.

I moved closer to her, slowly climbing on top of her and grabbing a hold of her thigh. She was pinned underneath me, shivering. I leaned down and kissed her neck gently, slowly dragging my warm hands up her shirt.

I looked ____ down and smiled, "I'll warm you up, baby."


*cough* that's a bit too 18+ to continue writing *cough*

A few questions:

1. I was wondering. Would you all be interested in me continuing my sequel to Linked? There was A LOT of foreshadowing in this bonus chapter of things that were to come in the sequel. I had a large, fleshed our plan for it and a FANTASTIC way to pull at your heart strings..

2. Either before or after I finish the sequel, I want to remaster the original Linked. There is so much I regret doing in that story that I would love to change. How would you all feel about that?

I truly thank you all for reading anything I make. I appreciate all of the love and support.

Check out I'm Only Human: Linked Sequel today! I'm hoping to get back into that since I am no longer overrun by college sh!t.

Thank you!

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