C8 | The Day Before the Expedition |

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Chapter 8

You look over the wall, thinking, if the place where you and Levi first kissed is still in one piece.

"Mom. Dad. Cole. When the time comes. When I die. Hopefully I'll be able to see you, once more. And you all, will meet Levi, when he dies with me..." You do a salute to the sky and you maneuver your way off of the wall, towards the Mess Hall.


After eating you find out that today is a day off. Besides, it's the day before the expedition.

"Lily! Anaya! Amber! Do you have any plans?" You call out. The girls make their way to you and smile.

"We were gonna go to a lake, and swim. Wanna come with?" Lily answers.

"Yea! Are we inviting more people?" You ask.

"James, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Hanji, Petra, and Levi are coming." You look stunned.

"You got Levi to join?" You laugh.

"It only took some whining and pulling on his chair to get him to agree. And telling him that you'recoming." You blush.

"Shut up! People might fid out! Don't tell anyone! Excpesially Hanji!" Anaya gives you a guilty face.

"I already told Hanji, Lily, Amber, and Jean." You give her a glare.

"Why horse face?!" You yell. She busts out laughing. Se wouldn't stop so Amber told you.

"Because he's been eyeing you ass ever since you joined the Scouts!" You turn to your left to see Jean and Eren arguing. You just give him a glare and you look back at Amber. Anaya recovered from her stroke and told you to be at the front gate at 12:00, and bring a bathing suit. You nod and make your way to your room. You open you drawer to see an old (color) bikini.

"This'll sure get Levi's attention." You laughed out. You hear a knock on you door and you say "Come in." Levi walks in, with his normal stern look.

"So you are going?" You nod you head and smirk.

"Why?" You ask suspiciously. His face turns a small shade of pink.

"I thought Anaya was lying to me..." He left without another peep and you continued admiring the pretty bikini you own. Eleven fifty five came along pretty quickly, but you still put on your bathing suit and a dress and left for the front door. You spotted everyone, dressed in summer clothes, but of course, not Levi. He wore a white dress shirt and black pants. But you could see trunks under his pants. You smiled and stood beside Levi. He turned to you and you cold see the small look of relieve in his eyes. You kind of got it because he's surrounded mostly by crazy lunatics. He wraps his arm around you waist and you blush, but luckily, only Levi saw it.

"You ready to go?" Hanji asked. Everyone said yes and you climbed onto your horse. You all made your way to town on your horses. People said hello and thanked you for your work. Also some good lucks for the expedition tomorrow. Soon you all ended up at the lake you were suppose to be swimming at.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" Anaya shouts. She runs to the lake, Amber, Lily, and Hanji running after. You take off your clothes to reveal your (color) bathing suit. You put your clothes on the ground and you ran up to Anaya, who was trying to inch herself into the cold water.

"No! Senpai!" She yells as you shove her into the lake. You do the same thing to Amber, earning a "SHIT!" from her. You make your way up to Hanji.

"NO!" Hanji does a cross with her fingers and backs away.

"It's okay, I won't push you." You lie. Hanji sighs.

"Good." She turns back around and continues what she was doing. Just as you were about to shove her in, Levi comes up and shoves her in himself.

"Damn it Shorty!" She shouts when she recovers from his blow. You sit there laughing your ass off as Levi tries to hold in a laugh.

"Ha!" You yell. You turn around to see Levi.

"L-Levi, NO!" You cry. He shoves you into the cold water. The coldness consumes your body as you try to get to the surface. You lift your head out of the water and your are stunned by Levi's laughing.

"You'll pay." You threaten. You grab his leg and you pull him in. He goes under, but pulls you down. You open your eyes under the freezing water and stare at Levi, he stares at you, while your (h/l) (h/c) hair flows around the water. He hugs you and smiles. You smile back at him. You both go to the surface to join everyone else. Petra, Jean, James, Armin, Mikasa, and Eren join you guys in the water. Jean jumps in and causes a tsunami.

"That was on purpose, wasn't it horse face!?" You cry, after recovering from the wave. He smiles.

"Yea, and don't call me horse face!" He yells. You smirk.

"OKay." You lie. He glares at you and turns arolund, back to argue with Eren.

"Horse face." You whisper. He turns around and gives you another glare.

"What are you going to do?" You ask, laughing. Lily, Amber, and Anaya start laughing. He grunts and turns back to Eren. You could hear Levi laugh really silently by your ear. You smile even more.

"We better get back and get some food." Hanji says. Everyone agrees and you get out. You take your towel and wrap it around yourself. Levi does the same and gets on his horse. Everyone rides away, you and Levi, side by side.(so damn cute!)

You all arrive at the barn and you feed, brush, and lock up your horses. Everyone else leaves, leaving you and Levi, with your horses.

"So. You ready for tomorrow?" You ask. Clearly starting to get more and moe akward by the minute. Levi looks at you, giving you his board expression.

"Yea. Now let's go get some food." He walks off and you sit there. 'That was a short conversation.' You think. You wanlk into the Mess Hall and you grab yourself some bread and a bowl of soup. You sit between Levi and Eren.

"____!" Lily cries. You look up, almost dropping your soup.

"Yea?" You ask. Lily gives you a look like she just lost her best friend.

"Anaya stole my bread." You stare at Lily. You look at Anaya.

"Levi?" He shrugs his shoulders.

"I have no control over that creature." He admits. You give Anaya a glare and she quickly returns the bread.

After dinner. You went to your room and fell asleep. You woke up at about 1:24 and you got up to get some water. You silently opened your door and snuck out of your room. You made your way down the hall, making no noise. you stop at the kitchen and you get a small glass of water. Just as you finished, you were interupted by someone.

"What are you doing up? Brat?" You hear. You turn to see Levi. He scans you and questions you.

"___, why are you up so late?" He asks. You reply with a stutter.

"I-I needed some water, because my throat was dry." You said. He nods. He takes your glass and cleans it. He picks you up, bridal style.

"L-Levi?" You whisper. He gives you a tired look.

"You take too much noise, you can sleep in my room tonight. He says. You blush and hold onto him. He walks into his room and places you on his bed.

"I-I'll take the couch." You vollenteer. Levi shakes his head and crawls into bed with you. You get into bed too. Levi gets comfortable and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer into his chest. You could feel his breath on your neck as he pulled you into his warmth. You blush and tuck yourself into Levi's arms. He smiles and you both drift off into a slumber.


I hope you enjoyed! I hope you all enjoy your summer! Now, I have some stupid chores to do! Bye!


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