C6 | Roomates |

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Chapter 6

You woke up in your new room in the new Scouting Regimen to yelling. You opened your eyes to see a blonde haired girl with glasses fighting with a girl with short burgundy hair. They were fighting about who can eat more subs in one sitting.

"Amber, Lily! Shut up! You woke up our room mate!" A girl with black hair yelled. The girls looked your way and smiles. The girl with the glasses started talking

"Oh, my bad. Hello! I'm Margaret Robinson, but people call me Lily because it's shorter." Lily nudges Amber. Amber hits Lily in the stomach.

"Oww! Amber! Jeeze! You're so mean!" She smirks.

"I'm Amber Smith. I'm Commander Erwin's sister. Nice to meet you." You smile. The girl who looks awfully a lot like Levi, except her eye color and hair style, introduced herself.

"Hey! My name is Anaya Ackerman. I'm Corporal Levi's sister! It's nice to meet you!" You look at Anaya with wide eyes.

"Wait! Levi's sister?! He has a sister?!" Anaya nodded.

"When mom and dad died, I escaped. But Levi thought I died. The surprise is that he doesn't know I joined the Scout Regimen, or even that I'm alive! Who wants to go tell him!" Everyone jumps up. You start to think its kind of messed up to pretend you're dead for 9 years, and then show up at his room. But you still followed. You all run out of the room and race to Levi's door. Anaya knocks on the door.

"State your name and business." Anaya smiles.

"Anaya, I have important news." There is a noise of foot steps and soon the door opened.

"What do you want I'm b-" Levi stares at you, then Anaya.

"What's wrong?" Anaya says. She's getting a kick out of teasing him.

"I'm sorry you just reminded me of someone." Levi stops staring at her and eyes the other girls.

"Oh come on! I't only been like, 10 years! Or something like that." Levi stares at her.

"What you don't remember your own sister?!" Levi's eyes slowly open wider and Anaya smiles.

"Finally!" She yells. She opens her arms. Levi just sat there, Staring. He grabs her and hugs her. She closes her eyes and smiles. Levi looks at you and closes his eyes. You couldn't believe he didn't tell you in the past...

"Yay!" Amber and Lily cheer. You smile.

"Anaya, I thought you died..." He breaks the hug and looks at Anaya.

"No, I escaped." You could see the smallest smile on his face. Then it disappeared.

"You joined the scouts?! He shouted. She smiled and nodded.

"I can't just leave the worlds strongest solider, family less." She said. You smile.

"Come on! Smile!" She forced Levi's cheeks up to make a smile. Levi gave her the death glare and she laughed.

"Now I can annoy you every day!" She let go and he made an angry face.

"Girls, It's time for breakfast. Go get dressed and make your way to the dining hall." Everyone walked away, with you in the back you all walked away until you heard you name. You turned to Levi.

"Come here ____." You nod and walk towards him.

He leans towards you and whisperers in your ear.

"Keep her out of trouble, okay?" He motioned you to leave. You walked away and caught up with the girls.

~~~At breakfast~~~

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