Chapter Nine

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--Richie's POV--

"Truth or Dare? For real?" He's gotta be kidding. "I'd like to renew my twink insult from earlier today."

"Shut the fuck up you sadistic loser." Eddie  scorns, yet still smiling. He plops down on his bed and reaches out to me.

I get flustered. "What? I'm not hugging you."

He raises his eyebrows. "Boy, I don't want your weak-ass hugs. I want food."

"Oh, yeah. Shit." I hand him one of the plastic trays. They both have the same thing in it, Eddie's favorite.

"Oh, hell yes! Chicken nuggets. My favorite." He exclaims, taking a nugget and dipping it in the chocolate pudding.

"What did you just do??!" I sit across from him, dipping a nugget in the pudding and taking a bite. "Oh, wait. That's actually pretty good,"

He looks up from his tray. "No shit, Sherlock." He takes another bite before placing his tray on the side table. "Now, truth or dare. Rules are that you only have one chicken out, and if you say two truths in a row, you have to say dare in your next turn. Got it?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah. I'll go first." I tuck my hair behind my ears. "Okay Eds, truth or dare?"

He smiles. That smile is my future.

"Dare." He looks so excited, like a little puppy going outside for the first time.

"I dare you to go to the sewer after school on Monday and drink some gray water."

"Fuck no. Chicken out. Never happening. Literally go fuck yourself." He crosses his arms as I smile widely at him. "You're a jerk."

"I know." I snap my fingers, making finger guns at him. "Your turn."

Eddie nods. "I know. Truth or dare?"

"I know better than to say truth," I snort. "So dare."

Eddie pauses for a second. "I dare you to kiss me."

I feel my blood rush up to the top of my ears. "W-What?"

Eddie shrugs. "It's pretty simple. To figure out your crush, I need you to do some kind of romantic action with each person in the friend group. It might as well be me first, because it's only the two of us here. Then I can notice your actions depending on which person you're with. Got it?"


"Are you blushing?"

"Maybe a little bit." I confess, breaking eye contact.

"Are you gonna chicken out?"


Ahahahahahaha I'll update soon

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