Chapter Sixteen

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--Eddie's hecking POV--

Richie was dumb to think he could beat my Mrs.Pacman score. Sure, it's not the high score. But, it's the second highest score.

I have a feeling I know who 'JEW' is, and I'm not happy about it. His score is  double what mine is, and seeing that on the leader board makes me want to kick him.

I snap out of my daze of fury to look back at Richie's game, and he's only a couple seconds from beating my high score. He's smiling like an idiot and I won't stand for this.

I grab his face and kiss his cheek, causing him to not pay attention for a second. "Game over." I grin, patting his shoulder.

"FUcK." Richie screams, kicking the machine.

--Richie's POV--

We're suspended from the arcade for a week.

I'm sure the owner would've made it longer if the losers were not the only people that go to the arcade anymore.


I offered to walk Eds home, and he kept trying to decline. But it wasn't really an offer, it was a statement.

"Fine. But if I push you in front of a car while we're walking, let it be known that I didn't want you to come in the first place." He shrugged, grabbing my hand and leading me out the door.

He may have been roughly holding my hand, but it was still one of the best feelings ever. He hid his smile, refusing to look back at me as he tugged me down the sidewalk.

We both were flustered as hell, but it was his fault. The walk was mostly silent until we passed a stoplight and the red beams illuminated his freckled face.

"Hey Eddie?" I coughed, speaking quietly in the dark of the starry sky.

"Yeah?" He replied, stopping so I could catch up to him and stand by his side.

I cleared my throat and faked a cough a couple times. No turning back now. "Do you want to be a couple?"

He grinned, raising an eyebrow. "Richard, are you officially asking me to be your boyfriend?"

"I guess I am." I smirked back at him.

He stood up on his toes and planted a gentle kiss on my lips, the sparks still surging through my veins.

"I'd love to be your boyfriend, Richie."

--Kekekeke oml Eddie's POV--

The butterflies in my stomach were insane. One would think I had swallowed a moth nest.

Then again, this whole situation was fucking crazy.

I just told Richie Tozier I'd be his boyfriend. I wouldn't have seen this coming. Ever.

But I'll admit, I kinda really like it.

He's funny, pretty cute, and secretly super sensitive.

He's also a dick, but that's something I'll have to ignore for now.

He stared down at me, red as a bottle of ketchup. "O-okay!" He smiled nervously. I can't believe someone actually likes me. I can't believe I've got a boyfriend!

My mom will beat me. I don't care about what she thinks. Hell, she's already gonna beat me when I get home because of the dicks on her face. Might as well rip off the band aid when I get there, I suppose.

We walk the rest of the way, holding hands and swaying them gently.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school, Richie." I pushed one of his curls behind his ears before turning and leaving toward my door.

"Later, Eds." I hear him say before he continues down the sidewalk.

Lmao Eddies mom is a downer. They're a couple now though so that's cool,, also these children are going to finally go to school???Woag

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