Chapter 3

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The next day in science they got to pick partner for the rest of the year, Louise immediately ran over to Rudy and yanked his arm "wanna be partners roo?" Rudy took a moment to regain his balance back before replying "Y-Yea sure" the two spent the rest of the period talking about what they were going to do after school.

After school Louise anxiously stared at the clock waiting for it to turn to 4:00,shifting her weight from her toes to her heels "come on already!" She murmured under her breath. "What are you waiting for Louise?" Tina mumbled not looking up from her assignment, her brother chimed in "ya?! What are you waiting for? Tell us woman!" As almost as if is was on cue the clock switched to 4:00,she bolted out of the room, ran down the stairs, and busted out of the door heading towards their designated spot. But before she could run across the street something grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the alley between the restaurant and 'it's your funeral' Louise was surprised that the gate was unlocked, the person pinned her against the wall and pushed their own body against hers. "What the hell!? Let me go!" She hissed while trying to push the mysterious person but this person was too strong for her, she felt a pair of hands grab her own and tied them with wire behind the mysterious person's neck, but the more she struggled the tighter they tightened it and tears began to leak out of the corners of her eyes.

"Oh look at how pathetic she looks!" Louise took a sharp intake of breath as she recognized the voice, the voice was from the person who always picked on her as a kid, the one who made her feel like life wasn't worth living, the one who broke her heart, the one and only "Logan!" Louise growled. "Ha! You guessed right four ears!" Logan replied before pushing her harder against the wall, Louise winced at movement, laying her head against the restaurant as Logan wrapped his arms around her back ,moving his hands to the back of her neck while pushing her head towards his own. "I see that that you couldn't do you dirty work alone" Louise taunted as she saw a man about the age of Logan in the corner of her eye, Logan rolled his eyes before grabbing Louise's hat with his right hand, harshly pulling her head upwards, and Crashing his lips into hers. Louise's eyes flew wide open desperately trying to push him away but the more she did the harsher and rougher Logan kissed her, Louise gave up and squeezed her eyes shut and kept telling herself, it's not Logan kissing you it's Rudy! He just wants take over!.....right? But the more she kept saying that she more she kept remembering that it wasn't Rudy but Logan. The way Rudy kissed her was soft,comforting and full of love but the way Logan kissed her was rougher ,uncomfortable and just plain wrong. Louise then herd a noise from across the street and Logan broke away from the kiss ducked his head down to let louise's hands come down and walked away with a smirk on his face, Louise looked down at her wrists and noticed that they were bleeding slightly.

Then Logan's friend walked over to her and undid the wire around wrists before leaving, Louise then ran across the street where she was suppose to meet up with Rudy she walked down the alley to find Rudy sitting on the floor, his arm on his knees and looking away with his hoodie on his head. "Oh! Roo there you are I thought that you wouldn't-" but before she could finish Rudy interrupted "why?" Louise looked at him in confusion "what do yo-" "Why did you kiss him!?" "Rudy I can expla-!" Rudy stood up with pure pain written all over his face, tears freely leaking from his eyes "I thought you said you were done with him!" "I am but-!" "But what Louise!?" For once Louise was speechless she didn't realize that she had begun crying "Rudy please it's not like that-" "No" Rudy whispered so quietly that Louise almost didn't catch it, she then placed a hand on his shoulder but he gently pushed it off looking away. "L-Louise I ....why? Why would you do this to me?" Louise looked away as well ,hugging herself as she tried to fight back the guilty tears, "Rudy it's not what it looks like I swear!" Rudy just shook his head, putting his hands into his pocket. Louise then ran over to him wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a fierce hug, burying her face into his chest crying softly. "L-Louise I-I can't do this anymore" Rudy whispers "if you wanna be with him then I can't stop you" he finished hissing a little bit ,slowly pushing her before walking away.

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