Chapter 4

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  "Yes dad! Can I go now? If I don't leave soon I'll be late!" Rudy yells waiting at the door, slightly getting annoyed, his father hesitated before giving an 'ok'. Rudy ran across the street and headed towards Wonder Warf, he checked his watch and it was 4:05, dammit! He had a feeling that he was going to be late the whole time, he just shook his as he picked up his speed, he had to stop as an orange tabby cat with green eyes ran across the sidewalk then eventually the street only to be followed by two small kittens, one of them was a black tom with piercing green eyes with a white muzzle and the other one was a smaller cat, a she kit, she was also a orange tabby like the first cat but instead of green eyes she had dark amber eyes, after the kits a black she cat trailed behind, gently nudging them forward, just like the kit before her she also had dark amber eyes,but her ear tips were pink as if something had tried to paint her fur but gave up immediately. Rudy blushed as the last cat reminded him of Louise, he rubbed his cheeks trying to mentally command them to stop. About a minute after he was back on track,he decided to cut through alleys until he arrived at the designated spot. "Hey Louise I'm sorry I came soo la-"

There she was, across the street,her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, their bodys pressed together in a way that made him want to look away, but the worst part was that this was Louise's ex boyfriend Logan, his hand grabbing Louise's hat, their lips sealed together. Rudy couldn't believe his eyes, how could she do this?!


*phone ringing* Rudy reached over to grab his phone to see who was calling him, it was Louise. He quickly answered it "hey Louise,what'cha do-" "R-Rudy? C-can.....*soft crying* h-he...Rudy c-can I c-come over p-please? I-I need t-to tell y-you something, s-so can I p-please go?" Louise interrupted, her voice shaky and quiet, Rudy was confused, but his mom wouldn't be home till the next 4 hours, so he told Louise that she could come over,after that she immediately thanked him and hung up.

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door, Rudy opened it to find a beaten up Louise,her hair was messed up,she had a black eye that was closed,the corner mouth had blood,her arms had dark bruises,and blood was bleeding through her hoodie on her left shoulder. Rudy gasped at what he was looking at, "wh-who did this to you!?" Rudy whispered, gently grabbing her hand pulling her inside and closing the door behind her. "L-Logan" Louise cryed looking away hugging herself "I-I don't know what I did! He j-justed snapped a-and he....." "he started hitting you?" Rudy completed her sentence before she clung on to his chest, burying her face into it,crying softly. Rudy hugged her cautiously careful to not touch her injuries, he slowly and softly kissed her head,slowly he picked Louise up bridal style before laying her down onto the couch.Louise looked up at him in slight shock and affection as Rudy carried her,he went to go get the first aid kit and started treating her injuries, "Louise I'm sorry if this will hurt, but I need you to take off your hoodie so I can take care of your shoulder" Louise hesitated before slipping of her green hoodie. As Rudy began cleaning her wound Louise hissed at the sensation holding back painful whines,he then wrapped her shoulder up with bandages. "Are there anymore cuts?" Louise slowly shook her head "I-I don't think so" Rudy whipped the corner of her mouth with a tissue and found a small cut underneath the blood that covered it " sorry if this will....hurt you but....d-did Logan punch you in the mouth?" Louise widen her eyes "h-how did you know!?" "There's a small cut on the corner of your mouth" "oh" Rudy carefully cleaned it up and put a small bandage on it. "Hey Louise um here,this should help your eye" Rudy said as he handed her an ice pack, "oh! um thanks" "no Louise can I ask you something?" "...Y-ya sure what is it?" Rudy took a deep breath before asking "has Logan done anything like this before?" She instantly looked at the floor, "yes b-but not t-this bad's not his fault! It's mine I shouldn't of pissed him off....." Louise murmured trying to defend Logan, Rudy shook his head in disbelief and sympathy "Louise,if he really did love you.....he wouldn't have hurt is not what you deserve! You deserve someone who will take care of you not someone who uses you as a punchbag" Rudy stated with pain in his voice, Louise slowly sat up looking up at Rudy who was standing next to the couch, he made his way over and sat right next to her. He reached over to grab her hands, once he had them in his own he just stared at them, rubbing his thumbs over Louise's hands. "Louise don't you understand? You need someone who will love you,someone who will actually care about you" he whispers giving her a kiss on the forehead.

*end of flashback*

Rudy slowly walked backwards shaking his head in disbelief, he couldn't believe that she was going back to him, even after all the abuse he gave her when they were dating, as he kept walking he accidentally stepped on a soda can, making a loud noise, he turned around and ran down the alley and stopped, he dropped to the ground and gave up fighting back the tears he kept as he saw them together. He slowly put on his hoodie not knowing what else to do, a minute or two later he heard something behind him,not even bothering to turn around he already knew who it was.

"Oh! Roo there you are I thought that you wouldn't-" but before she could finish Rudy interrupted "why?" Oh Louise,why? Why would you do this? "what do yo-" "Why did you kiss him!?" "Rudy I can expla-!" Rudy stood up with pure pain written all over his face, tears freely leaking from his eyes, he couldn't help it, even how pathetic he must of looked he couldn't help it, "I thought you said you were done with him!" "I am but-!" "But what Louise!?" He could hear her trembling, not knowing what to say "Rudy please it's not like that-" "No" Rudy whispered so quietly, worried that she wouldn't catch it,she then placed a hand on his shoulder but he gently pushed it off looking away. "L-Louise I ....why? Why would you do this to me?" "Rudy it's not what it looks like I swear!" Rudy just shook his head, putting his hands into his pocket. Louise then ran over to him wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a fierce hug, burying her face into his chest crying softly. "L-Louise I-I can't do this anymore" Rudy whispers "if you wanna be with him then I can't stop you" he finished hissing a little bit ,slowly pushing her before walking away.

Rudy finally arrived at his house and realized that his dad was gone, he was actually quite relieved cause if his father saw him in the state that he was in he would keep bothering him with questions. Rudy dragged himself to his room and plopped onto his bed. How long has she been seeing him? I told her that I would never hurt her, physically or emotionally......but....she did it to me.

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