Chapter 9

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  "Louise honey, time to wake up!" Linda yelled as she stuck her head into the room before heading towards the next one, Louise growled and hid her head under her pillow. She could hear footsteps running down the hall before her obnoxious brother bursts into the room and then jumps onto her bed. "Come on Louise wake up! Come on woman!" Gene yells jumping up and down,shaking the bed. "Ugh! Fine!" Louise growled getting up and walked towards the kitchen,she slumped onto her usual chair waiting for her food,Gene followed her while being followed by Tina.

"Bye I love you my babies!" "See you after school kids!" Her parents yelled as they walked over to the restaurant,unlocking the door before walking and starting the day off. Louise watched as jimmy jr and the pesto twins walked across the street to greet them, "hey Tina" jimmy jr lisps as usual,reaching down to wrap an arm around her waist. "Hey jimmy jr!" Tina smiled before giving him a peck on the cheek. "Egh gross" Louise hissed,grabbing both of the straps of her backpack,walking faster, "hey Louise wait for us!" She herd the twins yell for her but she ignored it and walked faster. About then minutes later they finally arrived at the high school,gene,Louise and the twins waved their goodbyes as Tina and jimmy jr walked away towards Seamor university. Louise walked over to her locker and a note fell out of it,slowly falling to the ground,she bent down and grabbed it, opening it she saw that there was a message written on it,

'Meet me after second period outside,in the dark corner I wanna talk to you

Love Rudy'

Her eyes widen in shock as she read the note,Rudy wants to talk to me? Why couldn't he ask me in person? Louise shook her head before heading to her first class. Finally second period was over,as she walked towards the 'Dark corner' the reason why everyone called it that was because it was the only one that wasn't in reach of sunlight and there was a dark shadow that always castes over it,so if you weren't in that corner and was looking at it,you couldn't see a thing in it even if there was.

"Ok Rudy you said that you wanted to talk to me so....I'm here" Louise stated as she entered into the darkness,blinking a couple of times so her eyes could get used to the light. Then a deep chuckle filled the air, wait.....that didn't sound like sounded like-! Her thoughts were eruptly cut off as a figure pushed her hard against the building,pinning both of her hands above her head. Louise struggled under the grasp,but this person was too strong for her but she continued to struggle until a pair of lips crashed onto her own,she then felt a hand slip under her t shirt. Louise panicked as she felt the cold hand touching her skin, she then started kicking the person as hard as she could,bending her knee and lifting it up to kick them in the Chest. "GET THE FREAK OFF OF ME!!" Louise screamed as her mouth was free, "No! You Heartless Creature WILL PAY FOR THAT!!" The guy yelled back,and started to trow punches at her stomach. Louise let out cries of pain as the fist made contact with her, about a minute later her whole body was sore, "L-Logan please stop!!" She cried out desperate for an end to the abuse but Logan didn't stop, he then threw her hard into the ground and started kicking her violently,Louise curled up in a ball trying to cover her face. About three minutes later he stopped and walked away.

Louise ran as fast as she could go to her next class,trying to ignore the pain that engulfed her whole body. She finally made it to the classroom and bursted into the room,everyone looked at her even Rudy, the teacher looked at her with annoyance in her gaze "Louise your late!" The teacher growled, Louise rolled her eyes as she tried to come up with a story on why she was late, "I'm so sorry my teacher wasn't paying attention to the time and I had to run as fast as I could to get here!" She explained with a fake worried look on her face, "go take a seat Louise". Louise scans the whole room for any open seats but the only one was with Rudy, crap!, she rolled her eyes once more as she sat down in her seat.

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