Chapter 6

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Louise collapsed onto her bed and stared at her ceiling,thoughts racing through her mind, what's gonna happen tomorrow?what's Rudy gonna say to me?what about scie- her heart sunk as she remembered science class because they chose partners Friday.....back when she was still with Rudy.....they were partners....Louise felt a lump in her throat but she quickly tried to think of something else as she fought back her tears. Grow up Louise! Your acting like a baby! She mentally scold herself, she was Louise Belcher after all,but she was also human,behind all the ruckus was someone she didn't like to show. Someone who had caring feelings,someone who genuinely cared for others,someone who could feel love...... she shook her head, trying to get rid of her thoughts but then "Dinners ready!" Her father's voice rang out from the kitchen, louise growled as she hopped of her bed and walked toward the kitchen. Her mom,dad and brother was already there as she entered only to be followed by her sister Tina, Louise sat down at her usual spot as she was handed her plate. "Oh I'm not going to eat tonight,I'm saving up my appetite for the movies with jimmy jr" Tina stated as bob gave her,her plate, bob just rolled his eyes and grumbled as he reaches over to grab the food. "Aww my teeny Tina's going to a date!" Linda cooed her eldest daughter. "Seriously woman!? Your missing out on dinner just because of a date!? Oh come on! It's pasta day!" Gene yelled at Tina at what she was missing out on,Louise couldn't help but laugh at her brother's comment "look at me I'm still eating and I'm also going on a date!" Her brother yelled again but this time with his mouth stuffed with pasta, "oh my god" bob grumbled again holding the bridge of his nose,shaking his head slightly before sitting down and began to eat, Louise then looked at Gene, "wait your going on a date too? With who?" She asked before she took a bite of food "Yep! And I'm going with Courtney she said she wanted to go to the Warf" Gene replied. The family continued to eat in silence until Linda asked "hey Louise aren't you going on a date too? With Rudy?" Louise about choked on her food as her mother finished her question "uh no. Rudy said that he had to do something,and we already had our date on Friday" "oh so that's what you meant when you said 'you had important business'" bob piped in giving Louise a look. She just rolled her eyes as she continued to eat.

Now Louise was just walking down ocean avenue,bored,unsure on what do do now, she saw Gene and Courtney standing at the entrance of Wonder Warf as her brother gave his girlfriend a kiss on the forehead, Louise gave out a weak smile at the image but it quickly turned into a frown. Louise then walked down to the beach and sat underneath the pier,in the darkness looking out to the ocean,about ten minutes later she decided to sand at the shore and slipped of her shoes and socks,letting her feet relax in the cool crisp water. After putting on her hoodie Louise placed her hands into her pocket closing her eyes and letting the ocean breeze soothe her, she then satisfyingly squished the wet sand between her toes,and the hair that was peeking out of the hoodie flew in the wind. Louise opened her eyes and looked all around her and she saw a figure in the near distance and realized who the person was him.....she felt something warm in her chest as she saw him,Rudy. But he just looked at her with dull eyes,filled with sadness then anger, Louise was confused and sad at his expression but she soon realized on why he suddenly looked angry as she felt something grab her hips and started swaying them.

Rudy gave her a look of disgust before walking away, Louise then wiped around with pure anger written all over her face but her expression changed as she saw Logan smirking down at her, grabbing her hips again and pulling her towards himself,Louise then tried to fight back but it only led her to tackled to the ground with her hands pinned to the sand next to her head and Logan hovering over her. Louise attempted to get away but it didn't work as Logan looked down at her with full lust in his eyes,she then lifted up her knee sharply and hit his stomach hard,big mistake. Logan made a face of pain before screeching "why you little!!" And with that he punched her in the face,Louise shriveled in pain,hold the left side of her face as her eyes began to water. "I just can't see what Rudy can see in you! Seriously what does he see in this piece of junk!?" Logan growls looking at Louise poking at her while stating this,he got up and walked away. 

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