Chapter 5

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She watched him as he walked away,speechless, helpless, not knowing what else to do, she dropped down to her knees silently crying and staring at where he was standing. Rudy I'm soo sorry!! I promise you that's it's not what it looks like! If only you understood. Louise sat there, staring at the ground as it started to rain,a small puddle formed and she saw her reflection. Her own tears dripped into the water along with the rain,ha! just like a cheesy romance movie! She thought to herself trying to cheer herself up but,it didn't work for long,she balled up her fists,angry at Logan for ruining everything. I had everything Logan! But you had to take that away didn't you?!she looked back at the puddle and for a heartbeat she would've sworn that she saw him in it, she slammed both of her hand down at the image,splashing water all over herself but she didn't care,the pain was to unbearable for her to take notice,she sat there alone in the poring rain for what felt like hours before she got up and walked back to her house, she wiped away her tears and put on a fake smile,acting like nothing happened and that everything was perfect.

Louise fortunately got passed by her parents and siblings, telling them that she had to do important business, but as the sun fell and the moon rose,she laid in her bed and cried herself to sleep.

The next afternoon was a Saturday thankfully, she didn't want to deal with all the crap that happened the day before with Rudy, she was worried on what might had have happened if she saw him so she avoided the outside world, Louise grabbed her phone and dials Jessica. "Hey Louise what up?!" Jesssica was the only friend she had that was a girl and acted exactly like herself, she smiled at her friend's happy reply, "h-hey jess! Um.....I have to tell you something, it's about Rudy" unsure of herself and what Jessica might say,she sat down on her bed nervously waiting for her answer. "Hmm what did you do this time? And how hard did you screw it up?" Jessica sighed,lightly expecting this, "that's the problem, it wasn't me who screwed this up it saw Logan! It all his fault..." Louise could hear her friend on the other side jump up,as if she was laying on her bed and shot up to get in a sitting position. "Wait! Logan as in Logan that you previously dated and literally beat the crap out of you?! Your going back to him?! Are you insane?!" "Yes him! And of course I'm not going back to Logan! I already learned that lesson the hard way! It's not's" she could hear her relax before speaking again, "oh thank god! But....what did he do?" Louise's breathing quickened as she remembered, she could feel a lump in her troat but she took a deep breath before telling jess everything,all the details she included, the wire,the kiss,the tears....the broken hearts. Jess was quiet the whole time, shocked at what she was listening to, "-And that's wh-what happened..." Louise finished wiping away her tears, "oh my god Louise....I'm soo sorry to hear that" Jessica responded,her voice quiet and full of sympathy, "w-well it was nice talking to you jess....but I'm gonna g-go now so....bye!" "Oh ok! Stay strong Louise! You can make it!" She then laid in her bed and stared at the ceiling,forcefully holding back tears until it hurt her eyes and head before she let them free.

Louise stared at her wall,her back facing the door,as Tina walked in "hey Louise what are you doing?" She turned around to see her older sister " oh! Um...just looking at the wal-but hey!? Why do I have to tell you? And what are you doing here?! You know it's rude to just walk into someone's room without knocking!" Louise hissed giving Tina the death stare,no matter how she felt on in the inside,she had a reputation to keep up. Tina just gave her usual moan in reply, looking in all directions before looking at her, "I was just...uhhhhhhh" with that Louise walked over to her big sister and shook her face with her hands, "you just what Tina?" Louise hissed,finally letting Tina's face go. Tired of waiting for her to reply Louise slowly started pushing Tina out of the room "well it was nice talking to you Tina" she finished closing the door behind her before going back to her bed. Louise just sat there unsure on what to now, tomorrow's gonna suck! She thought to herself because tomorrow was day she had to go to school,tomorrow she had to see Rudy. 

A/N: sorry if this one's kind a short, I'll make a part two

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