Ch. 1

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MC stood at the kitchen sink, cleaning this afternoons lunch dishes. She looked over at the calendar hanging on the refrigerator, letting out a small sigh.

It's been 4 years?

Today would've been Zen's and her five year anniversary, but sadly things didn't turn out the way she'd hoped. She still participated in the R.F.A., making sure guests were invited, booking catering, getting media attention when Jahee had too much on her plate with Jumin and chatting in the chatroom when Zen wasn't there, but she hasn't attend a party in while due to certain circumstances.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

She dashed off to the whiling child, worried that something terrible happened to him. She found him in his room, smiling gleefully at her. Relief flood her body, seeing her son isn't hurt. She realized then that this little boy pulled a prank on her.

"Dae-Hyun, why would you scream like that? You nearly gave me a heart attack." she reprimanded him.

He giggled at his mother's worried face, "Sorry, Mommy, I couldn't help myself. When I saw you staring at the calendar with a sad face, I just had to prank you." he showed MC a toothy smile.

MC sighed, going to her child and ruffled his silver white hair, "What am I going to do when a pretty girl comes along and takes you away from me?" she asked looking into his ruby red eyes.

"That won't happen Mommy, you're the only girl for me." he smiled at her and tried to fix his mussed up hair.

MC smiled, Dae-Hyun was acting more and more like his father everyday. He certainly inherited Zen's hair and eyes but his tan complexion came from her, thank goodness.

"Okay Dae, play with your toys while I finish cleaning up from lunch, okay? And no more pranks like that!"

"Yes, Mommy." he ran back to his cars and trains, playing happily.

MC turned to go back to the kitchen, only to turn back in the doorway to look at her son once more. She watched as he played, his hair shining in the sunlight, her heart swelled with so much love for her little boy, yet it aches for the man who fathered him.

The memory of his betrayal was still vivid in her mind, it was a day she'll never forget.

MC was rushing home, she was just given the greatest news in her life and she hoped Zen would think so too. She sent Zen a message saying once he got home she had something to tell him and the R.F.A. members.

She reached home, upon opening the door she noticed Zen's shoes and a pair of black pumps that did not belong to MC. Her heart froze, her breath caught in her throat. She slowly walked in the living room, clothes were thrown every which way. Heat gathers behind her eyes, as she slowly walked towards their bedroom, but stopped short of the door as she heard his grunts and the unknown girls moans.

MC covered her mouth, to stifle her cries so the couple don't notice her. She quietly ran out of the house and walked far away from the place she once called home. She opened her phone and called the person she knew could keep her whereabouts secret.

"Hey, Seven, I need your help, can I come to your bunker?"

Unexpected Fate ~A Mystic Messenger fanfic Zen x MCWhere stories live. Discover now