Untitled Part 8

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The next day, MC did what she always did on a weekend, she made a big breakfast for Dae-Hyun, did some kind of craft and went to the park to play with other children. MC knew she had to tell him that some day soon he was going to meet his father, if the man had time in his busy schedule.

As they were in the park, Jumin sent her an email, pleading with her to move into his building and to keep Dae-Hyun away from Zen. Her only reply to the over baring man, was that she's not going to keep a father away from his child now that he knows and she liked where she was living and she didn't need to move. That didn't go so well with the C&R director, but he had to accept it.

She was replying to guest emails and keeping an eye on her child when someone spoke.

"Hey, MC!"

This caused MC to jump a little on the bench, nearly dropping her phone in the process. She looked over and saw a happy Saeran. He plopped down on the bench next to her and looked over at her phone screen.

"Still answer emails for the R.F.A. party? Didn't you already do that, like, when you first took on the job of R.F.A. coordinator?" he asked.

"Yes, but I have to do this every time so that way I can keep the great clientele, you should know how Jumin gets if I'm not consistent." she laughed.

Saeran shrugged, "Yeah, but you're not a computer and you don't even work for the C&R company. I mean are you even getting paid to do this job?" he asked.

MC looked over at him, "I'm not doing this for money. I'm doing this for all the charities we give the donations to when we have this party. We've helped so many animal shelters, homeless people, schools, hospitals, and many other organizations. I do this because it makes everyone feel like we're making a difference in someone's life."

Saeran looked at her wide eyed, like he couldn't believe what she was saying, "Wow, I didn't know you cared so much."

"Of course I care," she looked over at her son, who was playing hide and seek with a group of local children, "I know I needed a purpose after everything. I didn't know what I was going to do with myself after I left Zen. Hell I didn't even know if I was going to be able to care for my baby, but Saeyoung and the R.F.A. have kept me grounded and helped me believe in myself."

"Saeyoung really helped you out there, didn't he?"

A small smile touched MC's face. "Yeah, he gave me a bed to sleep in, helped me get to doctor appointments, ate right with me so I didn't give in to craving till I was a raging hormonal monster," she giggled. "He was like a saving grace for me and Dae-Hyun."

"Is that how he got the name 'Uncle Seven' from the kid?" Saeran asked.

MC looked over at him, with playfulness in her eyes, "You and Yoosung will earn that title in no time."

He looked at her with confusion, not really understanding what she meant by that.

"UNCLE SAERAN!!!" yelled Dae-Hyun, he was waving at the pair, when he realized he was sitting with MC.

Saeran looked over at the boy, wide eyes with disbelief, "Told you so." MC giggled.

"How-" he tried asking.

"You spent three hours playing video games with him, it was a given he would start calling you 'Uncle Saeran' after that, Yoosung too." she grinned.

A blush started to creep up on Saeran's chheks, "Just that will get him to call someone uncle or aunt?"

"No, he has to like you as well. When he met Jumin the other day, he stuck his tongue out at the stiff director." she shook her head at the memory, "You should've seen his expression after that, it was priceless. I guess no one has ever stuck their tongue out at the C&R heir." she laughed.

That caused Saeran to let out a laugh of his own, "I'm sure, I wish I had been there to see that." he let out a sigh, "I really missed out on a lot of things."

"You maybe right in that, but if you didn't do what you had to do, then you wouldn't be where you are today." she looked at him and smiled.

He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, giving off a smile. He stretched out his arms above his head, bringing them back down on top of the bench's back rest, his hand almost touching MC's left shoulder.

They both watched the kids running around in the park, listening to their squeals of laughter. If anyone looked at them, they would think what a lovely little family. And deep in one of their hearts, that's how they wanted it to be.

Their quiet time was disrupted by the annoying sound of Seven's ringtone on MC's phone. She swiped it open, seeing the message he sent her:

Seven: 'I gave Zen your cell number, so he can contact you about seeing you guys. I thought it was better than having me be the middle man.'

MC sighed, 'Of course, Seven would cut himself out of this, it was his plan from the beginning.' She typed back a reply.

MC: 'No that's fine. It should be between me and him anyways.'

She put her phone back into her purse, a sigh escaped from her.

"Everything okay?" asked Saeran.

"Yeah, Seven gave my number to Zen so was can set up a time for him to meet Dae-Hyun."

He turned his body towards her, "Are you okay with this?"

"Yes, I can't keep him from seeing his child now that he knows about him and wants to see him and Dae-Hyun has been asking about his father for a while now." she looked at Saeran, hope in her eyes.

"Would you like me to come with you?"

Her eyes widen, she couldn't believe that he's offering to be there for her when they met again. She smiled, "I'd like that Saeran."

to be continued...

Unexpected Fate ~A Mystic Messenger fanfic Zen x MCWhere stories live. Discover now