Ch. 4

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MC smiled as she was frosting the now cooled cupcakes. She looked over her shoulder and saw Dae-Hyun laying on his stomach in the living room, watching his favorite cartoons with a few toys nearby just in case he gets bored, which is during commercial breaks.

Her phone chimed like a bell, notifying her to a text message. She knew who it was before even swiping her phone open: 

Jaehee: Did you remember to book the venue for the party?

MC: Yes, six months ago.

Jaehee: Oh… Okay… How are you feeling? I know last week was suppose to be a special day for you.

MC: I’m okay, thanks for asking. How’s work going?

Jaehee: Same shit, different day. I have to get back to work, I’ll contact you again if I need anything else.

MC: Okay, goodbye and good luck.

She put her phone down and the counter and returned to the cupcakes. As she swirled the frosting on top of the little pieces of goodness, her mind replayed the events at the bakery. She knew she shouldn’t have left like that but she couldn’t stay there with Zen pleading with her and Viviane spouting off anything to get Zen to look her way. Her head started to throb with an oncoming headache. She shook her head lightly to dispell negative thoughts

“SEVEN-O-SEVEN, DEFENDER OF JUSTICE IS TEXTING YOU!” her phone belted out. A growl erupted from her throat. She still need to kill him or send him to a deserted island with empty bags of Honey Buddha chips.

Dae ran out to the kitchen, “Is that Uncle Seven?” he asked happily.

“Yes, Buddy.” 

“Can I see what it says?”

“Sure, you can try to read it aloud.” she encouraged him.

Dae-Hyun took the phone and swiped the screen. He went to messages and touched the one that had Seven’s picture. “Co-d gr ey?”

She looked at him confused till he turned the phone to her, “That’s code grey.”

“Oh okay… What does that mean?” he asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, “Beats me, kiddo.” MC only had to remember code red for Zen, all the other codes he had set up she didn’t remember.

All of a sudden there was a firm knock at their door. They both looked at the door then each other.

“You had a date and you didn’t tell me?” Dae stated, wide eyed with wonder.

MC’s widen, jaw dropping. She collected herself enough to say, “Dae-Hyun, you cheeky little imp! Where did you learn such a thing?”


“No nevermind,” she held up her hand stopping him from speaking, “I’m already going to toss him out to sea with cement blocks tied to his ankles. Go to your room while I take care of our guest okay?”

“Yes, Mommy.” he took off down the hall to play in his room as MC went to see who is at the door.

She looked through the peephole on door, she saw the tall and sophisticated director of C&R International, Jumin Han.

“Oh it’s just Jumin.” she said mostly to herself, her hand turning the doorknob, only to freeze in mid turn. 


She leaned her head against the door with a soft thud, inwardly groaning. The universe was against her today

“MC,” his deep, authoritative voiced resonated made her body freeze, “I know you’re home and I know you’re at the door. So please open the door and let your guest in or are you just going to let me stand out here like a fool?”

Unexpected Fate ~A Mystic Messenger fanfic Zen x MCWhere stories live. Discover now