Untitled Part 7

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After MC stopped crying, she offered to make dinner for them at her house after the picked up her child and go to the store. As they walked to Dae-Hyun's school, Yoosung asked questions about her child.

"Did you have a boy or a girl?" he asked.

"A boy." replied MC.

"What's his name?"

"Dae-Hyun." Seven answered for her.

"You named him after Zen?" he asked astonished.

"Well yeah, he is Zen's child, why wouldn't I?" she asked him.

Yoosung scratched his now pink cheek, "Well I figured after what he did, you would name him something further away from Zen, so you wouldn't be sad all over again."

MC sighed, "You see, that is why I didn't want to tell any of you what happened between Zen and I. You guys see him differently and i didn't want that. I named Dae-Hyun not just because of Zen but his name means great and honor. I want him to be proud of his name like I was when I named him."

Yoosung nodded his head in understanding, Seven patted the young man on the back with a smile and a thumbs up on his other hand. They made it to the school with a few minutes to spare. MC looked at Saeran, who hasn't said a word since they left the bakery.

"Saeran, are you okay?" she asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, not looking at her, "I feel like this is all my fault, if I hadn't chosen you to-"

"Don't say another word, Saeran. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have made such great friends, found love or have my sweet little-"

"UNCLE SEVEN!!!" shouted Dae-Hyun.

"Uncle Seven?" Yoosung and Saeran said in unison, looking in Seven's direction. Saeran's and Yoosung's jaws dropped, as they watched a miniature Zen run across the school yard and right into Seven's arms.

"Hey little man," Seven caught the boy and swung him up into the air. As the kid came back down Seven caught him and gave him a hug. "How you been? Taking care of your mom for me?" he asked the little boy.

"I've been great! Yep I'm doing everything exactly as you told me, I'm doing my work and I'm staying out of trouble!" Dae-Hyun exclaimed.

Yoosung's and Saeran's mouths started moving like a fish.

"Guys this is my son, Dae-Hyun. Dae-Hyun these are my friends, Yoosung and Seven's twin brother, Saeran." said MC.

Yoosung was the first to speak, "He's looks just like Zen! Does he like to take a bunch of selfies like Zen?"

MC laughed, "No, he's surprisingly camera shy for being Zen's replica."

Saeran walked up to Seven and Dae-Hyun and started to look over the child's silvery hair, ruby eyes, tan complexion, small nose and his pouty child mouth. Dae-Hyun pulled away from Saeran.

"Mommy, why is he looking at me like that?" the child asked.

"Oh honey, he's just surprised to see how much you look like your father." she answered.

"They know my Dad?" he asked.

MC smiled, "Yes, they do. They know him very well."

"Can I meet him?" he asked, giving her his big round puppy dog eyes.

She ran her fingers through the boy's soft, fluffy hair, "One day my sweet boy, one day." MC clapped her hands together, lacing her fingers together, "Okay, what shall I make for dinner?"

"Budae jjigae!" Dae-Hyun shouted pumping his fist in the air.

"I'm okay with galbi and rice." said Saeran.

"Can we have hotteok for dessert?" asked Seven.

"Yes, Seven, we can have hotteok for dessert," MC replied.

"What about sushi?" asked Yoosung.

"Yoosung, I'm a good cook but I'm not that good." MC laughed.

Everyone started laughing at Yoosung's expense, they started walking to the grocery store. Seven learned never let go of Dae-Hyun in a store or else he'll never leave the store without extra snacks in the basket.

They paid for their purchases, MC and Dae-Hyun lead the group to their small home. Dae-Hyun showed Yoosung and Saeran his video games and was playing happily with them. While she was cooking dinner, MC noticed Seven on the phone, she didn't think much of it, till she heard a familiar word uttered out of his mouth.

"Zen, I can't help you with this, you have to figure it out on your own. No, I've already gotten into trouble with her for telling you where she worked, I'm not telling you how to win her over. It's a good reason. No, not even if you already know about him. She's already plotting my death or torture or whatever." There was a short pause. "Zen, I have to go, I feel a death glare on my back."

Seven ended the call and turned around to see MC glaring at him. He flinched and stepped back.

"You were talking to Zen?" she asked.


"What did he want?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, "To give him information on how to get you to forgive him."


"And he knows about Dae-Hyun."

MC eyes shifted from anger to fear, her shoulder dropped, "What does he want with Dae-Hyun?"

"He just wants to be a family."

Seven watched her eyes turn to stone, her jaw clenched, "He had his chance before he felt the need to to have an affair." she turned away from Seven, "But I'm not cold-hearted and keep a man away from his child, if he want's to meet him then he can. And you can tell him that next time you two talk." she went back to cooking dinner, No one else overheard the conversation or else they weren't saying they did.

After the men left, she put Dae-Hyun to bed, she went to bed and stared up at the ceiling, she thoughts wandered to what will happen when Zen meets his son, "Please Zen, don't hurt our son and not show up/" she prayed and fell asleep.

to be continued...

Unexpected Fate ~A Mystic Messenger fanfic Zen x MCWhere stories live. Discover now