Ch. 3

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Zen flashed MC his dazing smile, one that made her knees weak still, after all these years he still made her weak in the knees. He was slowly inching towards her, trying not to spook her, like you would a deer.

"I've missed you so much MC," his velvet voice caressed her ears, like a lover's soft touch on skin.

A shiver ran up her spine as his eyes wandered over her body, she felt her cheeks heat up with a blush when she realized she was covered in flour and he was looking at her like she was standing before him naked as the day she was born. And damn her, she missed the way he looked at her!

Viviane's head whipped back and forth between them, she looked like she wanted to ask something, but was too shocked over that fact that THE ZEN was mere inches from her.

"MC, is there some place we can talk, just you and me?" Zen's eyes quickly glanced over at her gaping co-worker then back to her, pleading with her.

That made MC snap out of her trance, she shook her head lightly, clearing the hazy desire from her head.

"I'm sorry, Zen, but I'm working right now. I can't just drop everything for you, like any other woman would." she said turning her back to him and going back to the kitchen.

"But, MC, we really need to talk about what happened four years ago." he followed her to the kitchen, with Viviane hot on his heels.

"There's nothing to talk about, Zen. I came home and heard you having sex with another woman, in the bed that WE had picked out together." she said over her shoulder.

"Yes, and that was the biggest mistake of my life, MC. When I came home the next day and saw everything of yours gone, I panicked." He placed the flowers down on a near by counter, which Viviane picks up and placed near her nose.

MC went to her work station, to finish up frosting cupcakes to put out for display. Zen stood on the other side of the table, trying to get her to look at him.

"MC, please just listen to me." he begged.

She threw down her pipping bag and looked at him, "How did you find me? I was suppose to be untraceable, according to Seven that is."

Zen's cheek turned pink with a blush of embarrassment and was scratching his neck, "I begged Seven to tell me. I even bribe him with Honey Buddha chips and Ph.D Pepper."

A scowl formed on MC face, she was really going to kill Seven, or ask Vanderwood if she can tase his ass for the rest of his life.

Her breath caught in her throat, Did Seven tell him about Dae-Hyun too?

"Did Seven tell you anything else, like where I lived?" she asked him trying to keep her voice steady.

Zen shook his head, "That was one piece of information he wouldn't give up. It made me wonder if you already moved on, love."

"YES, SHE DID!" Viviane shouted, still clutching the flowers.

Both MC and Zen looked at her, MC with a what-in-the-hell look and Zen with a heart broken one. Zen turned to look at MC. "Is that true?"

"Yes, she's never stops talking about a Dae-Hyun. She's always meeting him after work." Viviane dropped the flowers, stepping on them as she walked over to Zen placing her hands on his chest. She had this desperate look to her now, trying to wrap her arms around Zen's waist in a hug.

Zen looked uncomfortable with the strange woman touching him. MC only stood there with her mouth gaping open, just staring at her co-worker, who was making an utter fool of herself.

Zen looked over at MC, "Really, MC? Are you seeing a guy named Dae-Hyun?" he pried himself out of the blonde woman's grip, making a beeline to MC's side, "Because it sounds like to me that you're not over me if you're with someone with part of my name in his."

MC wanted to slap Zen across the face, but she knew that his face was part of his job and she couldn't damaged it. Instead she took her pipping bag full of frosting and spattered it all over his face.

She tossed the empty bag, removed her apron and tossed it on the table and walked away, grabbing her purse as she left the building, without saying a word to either him or Viviane.


MC walked around for awhile making sure Zen wasn't following her to Dae-Hyun's school. Part of her felt guilty for covering Zen in frosting but the other part of her was overly satisfied with it, no one talked about her child like that, sure Zen may not know that Viviane was talking about a child and Viviane didn't know any better either. He was just too full of himself for MC to care at this point.

MC stood in front of the school, waiting for Dae to finish for the day. Her mind was thinking of ideas for dinner and how to get away with murder, that she didn't notice that Dae was standing in front of her till he tugged on her shirt, breaking her from her thoughts.

"Oh Dae, I'm sorry, I was thinking of what to make for dinner." she looked at the boy, apologizing to him for not noticing him.

"Mommy, are you okay?" he asked.

Her eyes widen for second, but a smile spread across her face, she shook her head, "You always seem to look right through me, Buddy. No, Mommy isn't okay, she has a hard day at work," she knelt down to him so she can make better eye contact with him "But everything is okay. We'll go home and make your favorite foods for dinner and I'll make cupcakes for dessert. How does that sound?"

Dae-Hyun started jumping around for joy, "Sound good Mommy. I want bossam, with kimchi stew, and fried noodles!" he grabbed her hand, once she stood up from her kneeling position, trying the drag her home, "And I want chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting." he demanded.

MC laughed at the over excited child, "Okay Dae-Hyun, okay, I'll make all of it for you, just simmer down, you're going pull my arm out of it's socket." she joked.

Neither MC nor Dae-Hyun noticed the silver haired man watching the mother and son interact, disbelief written all over his face.

"So that's Dae-Hyun. My son."

To be continued...

Unexpected Fate ~A Mystic Messenger fanfic Zen x MCWhere stories live. Discover now