From My Friend...

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I sat in my chair,

and watched you sleep in the hospital bed.

You have tube and IVs in your arms,

and gauze wrapped around your head.

I pull my knees to my chest,

and rock back and forth.

Just the memory

brings upon me, remorse.

I don't understand,

and I probably never will.

I don't get why

its yourself you are trying to kill.

Why didn't I speak up?

I could have prevented this.

I didn't say anything,

even when I saw that your wrists were slit.

I know it wouldn't have helped,

but that doesn't change anything.

I like to blame myself

for many, many things.

Now that you're okay,

I hope someday I will be too.

I don't know what I would have done.

if I would've had to go on without you.


This is a poem that a friend wrote for me a long time ago and it really touched me and I just stumbled across it today, so I decided to post it. :)

Written by my real life friend Mackenzie, not the book character, I'm not THAT crazy.

By the way the gauze wrapped around the head thing isn't for real she said she just had a hard time figuring out something to rhyme with bed.

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