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Lela's POV

  Okay. So, today wasn't that bad. I made it through. I was standing in front of my mirror, staring at my tired reflection. I took off my pullover and threw it on the bed. I kicked my shoes off and was about undoing my tie when mom knocked lightly on my door.

  “Still getting out of your uniform?” She was smiling.

  I nodded, “Yes.”

  “So, how was the first day?”

  “It wasn't bad. The kids in my class seemed welcoming.” I told her.

  I wanted to tell her how the principal left me with a girl but, I changed my mind.

  “That's great. I'm sure you are hungry.” Mom smiled as she stepped further into my room.

  “Starving to death.” I grinned.

  “Just freshen up and then come downstairs to grab something to eat.” Mom said as she gave my shoulder a light squeeze.

  “Okay mommy.” I smiled as she left the room.


“I met this lady today. Turns out her daughter is a student at your school.” Mom was saying. We were sitting on the living room sofa, watching TV.

  “Really?” I moved my eyes from the TV to mom's face.

   “Yes. She mentioned that the girl was in SS2.”

  “Well, the girl could be in the Science department or she could probably be in my class. Did you get her name?” I asked

  “No. I didn't. But, I did get the lady's phone number.” Mom answered.

  “Oh, Okay. By the way mommy. What important appointment did you have today?”

  “Oh.” That was the word that escaped from her lips. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was thrown aback by my question.

  “It was just an important appointment. Never mind dear.” She finally said.

  “Really?” I was a bit confused.

  'Just an important appointment? What could it be?'

  Mom nodded, “Yes.” She had her usual smile on.

  “Okay.” I simply said and turned my attention to the TV screen.


  Tomorrow came too quickly. But, it was different. Mom didn't force me to get out of bed or get dressed. I was ready for school even before she came to my room.

  “What a surprise. Someone has a positive attitude this morning.” Mom smiled as she entered my room.

  “What? Can't I do things differently for a change.” I laughed.

  “Definitely dear. You certainly can. I was just so surprised at your actions this morning. I hope you keep up the positive attitude, though.” She pinched my cheeks playfully.

  “I'll try mommy.” I smiled.

  “So, come have breakfast and I'll drop you off at school, okay?”

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