C1 : The Discovery

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// Hiccup POV \\

/ Three Months After Defeating The Bewilderbeast \


The Best Keept Secret This Side of The Archipeligo. You See, Where Most Places Have Pariots Or Cats We Have........DRAGONS! Life Here Is Not For The Faint Of Heart. But After The Defeat Of Drago And His Bewilderbeast. Life Here Just Got A Whole Lot More Interesting

I Wake Up And Turn To See Toothless Still Sleeping Even Though He Is Alpha

"Toothless Bud, Wake Up" I Say And He Grumply Replies With A Head Shake And Lyes Back Down

"I Know Being Alpha Is Tough" I Said As I Walk Over To The Laying Down Toothless

"With All The Dragons Boweing Every Time You Enter A Room, Offer Fish When Your Not Hungry Or Full, Or Just Following You Everywhere You Go" I Say And He Nods

"I Know What Thats Like, Same Thing But As Chief Of Berk" I Say And Toothless Looks Happy That I Understand

"But Hey, We Have Each Other" I Say And He Nods And Finally Gets Up

"Thats More Like It" I Say Happy And We Head Down Stairs And Find Mom Cooking

"Good Morning Hiccup" Mom Says While Getting Breakfest Ready

"Good Morning Mom" I Say And Sit Down

"Me And Toothless Just Had Another Alpha And Chief Talk" I Say And Mom Looks Worried

"What's Wrong With Toothless And You" She Asks

"Nothing, Just He Really Did Not Want To Get Up Today And I Was Forced To Give Him The Old Alpha/Chief Talk" I Say

"I Wish I Could Ask Him What Is Really Wrong" I Say

"You Could Try Dragonese Again?" Mom Says

"I Have Tried 9 Times And Every Time I Fail, I Only Understand Half Of The Book" I Say

"I Understand It All" She Says

"Wait, Are You Saying What I Think Your Saying?" I Ask

"Yes, I Speak Dragonese" She Says

"Great! Then You Can Ask Toothless What Is Really Wrong And Tell Me What He Says" I Say And We Walk Over To Toothless Who Is Slowly Eating His Breakfest

"Toothless, My Mom Speaks Dragonese" I Say And Toothless Jumps Up Fast Then If Snotlout Blew Up The Island

"Whats Really Wrong? I Just Want To Know Bud?" I Ask And Toothless Makes A Few Noises Before Stoping

"He Said That He Does Not Like The Way They Never Leave Him Alone And The Fact That You And Him Only Get To Spend 2 Hours Together Every Week" Mom Says

"Its Ok, How About Today We Just Spend The Whole Day Doing Stuff Together" I Say And Toothless Nods Happy And Makes A Few Noises And Stops

"He Says He Will Place Cloudjumper In Temporary Command For The Day" Mom Says

I Just Nod And We Get Excited

"Mom, Can You Handle My Chiefing Dutys For Today?" I Ask

"Sure, I Used To Do It When Your Father Got Sick" She Says And I Nod

Me And Toothless Run Out The Front Door

I Saddle Up And We Take To The Skys

/ A Few Hours Later \

"THIS IS AMAZING!" I Yell As I Fly Beside Toothless Using My Glide Suit

Suddenly Out Of No Where Stormfly Flys Into My Path And We Collide

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