C5 : The Battle

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// Hiccup POV \\

"Everyone Ready!" I Say Then I Shift Toothless's Tail Into Auto

I Change Into A Night Fury And Fly Next To Toothless

We Get High In The Air Then Dive Bomb The Bewilderbeast

We Shoot A Massive Plasma Blast At The Bewilderbeast

Then A Rain Of Flaming Arrows Hits The Bewilderbeast

We Continue Dive Bombing The Bewilderbeast

Suddenly A Dragon Kicks Spitelout Off Of Snotlout (In Dragon Form)

"DAD!" Snotlout Shouts And Races After Spitelout

They Hit The Water And Snotlout Is Almost Out Of Oxygen

I Pull Him From The Water With My Talons

"We Need To Go Back For My Dad!" Snotlout Says

"Snotlout! He Is Gone" I Say Saddly


Suddenly The Bewilderbeast Incases Gobber And A Few Vikings In ICe

"Gobber!" I Yell And Then I Realize


"No" I Say Then I Continue Dive Bombing

Suddenly Hookfang Is Knocked Out And Is Incased In Ice


Then Meatlug Being Too Slow Is Also Incased In Ice


This Is Not Going As Planed. Everyone Is Dying

Then Toothless Is Hit By A Stray Rock And Is Knocked Out

I Race After Him And Manage To Grab Him

I Pull Him Onto The Beach

"MOM!" I Yell As Mom And Cloudjumper Land Next To Me

"He Was Hit By A Stay Rock Is He Ok?" I Ask

"Yes, He Is Just Asleep" She Says

Go Over To The Sea And Fill My Mouth With Water And I Run Over To Toothless And Let It Fall Onto His Head

"What The Thor!" He Says Waking Up

"Get Up We Are In Battle!" I Say Then I Take Off And Toothless Follows

Then Suddenly Barf And Beltch Are Incased In Ice


This Is Not Going As Planed, The Bewilderbeast Is Wining

"Astrid, Its Time" I Yell

"Are You Sure?" She Asks

"Sure Of What?" Toothless Asks

"Yes Im Sure Now Lets Do It!" I Yell And I Turn Around And Knock Toothless Into A Deep Sleep. I Grab Him And Drag Him To The Beach

"Astrid And Stormfly, Take Toothless And NEVER RETURN TO BERK!" I Say

"Why" Stormfly Asks

"Im Saving You" I Say

They Grab Toothless And Fly Off

I Jump Into The Air And Fly Infront Of The Bewilderbeast

"I AM TOOTHLESS THE LAST NIGHT FURY, NOW FACE ME!" I Yell And Lie Knowing I Am Not Toothless, I'll Never Be As Great Or Powerfull As Him Or......My Father

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