C4 : The News

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// Hiccup POV \\

I Woke Up To Find Im Currently A Night Fury, I Guess Something In My Sleep Makes Me Change

I Look On My Tail Find A Terrible Terror Sitting On My Tail

"Hello Night Fury Sir, Where Can I Find Hiccup Haddock And Toothless?" The Terrible Terror

I Transform Into A Human

"Well Im Right Here And Toothless Is Right There" I Say Pointing At Toothless

"Alright Well. I Hear That The Bewilderbeast Is Building A Army To Get Revenge On Berk" The Terror Says

"When Do They Attack?" I Ask

"Anytime From Tomorrow" He Says

Then I Run Over To Toothless And I Quickly Transform Into A Night Fury


"Being Alpha Can Wait, Sleep Is Important Right Now" He Says

"You Dont Get It. The Bewilderbeast Is Building A Army To Get Revenge On Berk" I Say And Toothless Gets Up Fast

"Bewilderbeast!?!" He Asks Ferious As He Remembers How The Bewilderbeast Almost Killed Me

"Yes" I Respond And Toothless Starts Glowing Alpha Blue

"When Does He Attack?" Toothless Asks

"Anytime From Tomorrow" I Tell Him And He Calms

"I Think.....We Might Be Going To War" I Say And Toothless Is Shocked

"War?" He Asks

"Yes, And We Might Die" I Say While Looking At The Floor



We Head To The Great Hall And Stand Infront Of Everyone

"I Have Been Informed By A Dragon That The Bewilderbeast Is Building A Army To Attack Berk, And I Think That We May Be Going To War And I Need Everyone Ready For Possibly Berks Last Stand" I Say And Everyone Waits For Orders

"Dragon/Human Riders I Need You To Train Over The Day And Be Prepared For A Battle Anytime, Berk I Need Everyone Battle Capable On Ships And Defenses, Toothless And Me Will Fight The Bewilderbeast Head On, The Dragons With Be Our Fire In The Sky" I Say And Everyone Nods Ready To Leave

"But...." I Say And Everyone Turns Back

"We May Not Come Back, Not Just Me And Toothless. But Berk And Everyone" I Say

"So. Let This Be Berks Last Or First Stand!" I Yell And Everyone Cheers And Runs Off To Prepare

"Toothless, I Need To Prepare You For Something" I Say

"What" He Asks

"For.....Your First War" I Say

"But..." He Says

"No Buts, I Need To Teach You Warfare Otherwise There Will Be Deaths. Maybe Even Mine Or Yours" I Say And Toothless Just Waits

/ The Next Day \

I Sayed Up All Night Teaching Toothless Warfare And Helping Get Everyone Prepared. I Also Set Up A Small Ship Of People. 20 Men, Wemon, And Children To Leave Berk If We Fail

For Now We Sleep Till The Horn Is Blowen Four Times

I Get Up At Mid Day And Eat Some Food. I Just Go Upstairs And Start Writing Down My Life Into A Book

Im Calling It 'How To Train Your Dragon' By Hiccup Haddock The Third

Catchy I Know But All I Could Think About Was Dragons And Berk

I Finish Writing Down The Last Bits Of Info Then I But The Book On The Boat With The 60 People

Then I Head Back And Lay Down And Fall Asleep Thinking About What Might Happen.....If I Fail

Then I Wake Up



Oh No Please No

After A Few Seconds. Nothing. Oh Thank Thor

Its Just Trader Johan

Im Not Getting Up As Im Just Getting As Much Sleep In Before My Last Or First War

I Fall Back Asleep

I Wake Up


After A Few Seconds. Nothing Again. Its Just Time For A Feast In The Great Hall

Im Not Attending And Neither Is Toothless Because We Dont Want To Join Them

I Fall Back Asleep Again

i Wake Up For The Third Time

This Time No Horn

I Get Up And Draw A Painting Of All The Riders And There Dragons. I Finish With The Last Line To Make Toothless Eye

I Put The Painting On My Desk And I Walk Back To My Bed

I Fall Asleep

/ The Next Day \

I Wake Up

"No Bewilderbeast Yet" I Say And Toothless Lays Back Down

Once He Is Asleep I Sneak Outside And Enter Astrid's House

"Whats Wrong Hiccup" She Asks

"I Dont Want You Or Toothless To Lose You Lives During The Bewilderbeast Battle. If The Battle Changes In Favor Of The Bewilderbeast, I Will Knock Toothless Out And I Want You And Stormfly To Take Him Far Away From Berk And Me And Never Return. You Our Him" I Say

"Hiccup..." She Says

"Astrid Please, I Need You To Do This" I Ask Her

"Alright Hiccup" She Says

I Walk Outside And Sneak Back Inside Fall Asleep Again In My Bed

We Wake Up Again But This Time For Mom Calling Us To Dinner

We Get Up And Eat Dinner

Then We Head Back Upstairs And Lay Down

We Fall Asleep

/ The Next Day \

I Wake Up



Oh No



"Bewilderbeast!" I Say And Toothless Wakes Up And Notices Im Ready

I Pull Inferno From My Armor And Run Outside With Toothless

I See A Army Of Dragons And The Bewilderbeast Blasting Ice

"Its Time" I Say

"EVERYONE! ITS TIME!" I Yell To The Humans

"EVERYONE! ITS TIME!" Toothless Yells To The Dragons

"This It It" I Say

Bonds Broken And Wars Started (A HTTYD Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now