C8 : Repairing Bonds

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// Toothless POV \\

One Of Hiccups Eyes Is Open And Is Stareing At Me

"Hiccup?" I Ask Very Worried For What He Might Say

He Just Whines And I Realize He Is In Pain From The Fall

I Check His Whole Body And Find A Metal Rod Going Into His Back

"Oh No" I Say Then I Look At The Rod Deep In His Back

I Look Around And Find Some A Stream And Some Fish. I Quickly Run Over A Find A Pile Of Buckets. I Just Grab One And Take Some Water. I Run Back Over

"Hiccup, Im Very Sorry. This Might Hurt And Sting A Little!" I Say As I Pull The Metal Rod Out Of His Back And He Starts Screaming And Whining In Pain

I Quickly Cover His Back With The Water And He Calms Down. I Tear Some Leather From My Saddle And Wrap It Over His Wound

"Hiccup Its Ok Do You Need Food?" I Ask And He Just Barely Nods

I Quickly Run Over To The Stream. I Grab Out 2 Fish And Bring Them Over To Hiccup

He Eats One And Pushs The Other To Me

"You Need It, I Dont Deserve It" I Say And He Insists

"I Dont Deserve It" I Say Again And He Trys Again

"I Do Not Deserve It" I Say Again And He Trys Again

"No Hiccup, I Do Not Deserve To Eat" I Say Again But He Trys Again

"I Dont Deserve To Be Alive" I Say And A Tear Runs Down His Face And He Trys Again

"No, What I Deserve Is To Be Dead" I Say Refusing To Eat His Fish

"Oh Shut Up You Big Baby Boo And Eat The Fish" He Says Sarcasticly While Nudging The Fish

"I Dont Deserve It" I Say Again Refusing

"Eat It Toothless" He Says Serious

"Never, I Dont Deserve To Eat It. Let Alone To Be Alive" I Say And He Crys A Little Then Pushs The Fish Again

"Eat It Please" He Says While Nudging The Fish Towards Me

"If I Eat It Will It Make You Happy?" I Ask Hoping He Would Say No

"Yes" He Says And I Sigh

"Fine" I Say And Then Eat The Fish And The Only Thing I Think The Entire Time Is.....I DONT DESERVE THIS FISH

"Did That Make You Happy?" I Ask

"Yes" He Responds

"Also...." He Says Then He Unfolds His Wings To Reveal Astrid And Valka Knocked Out And Asleep ".....We Have Guests" He Finish's

I Run Over And Using 2 Plasma Blasts I Turn A Stone Into A Rock Bed For Hiccup And I Push It Next To Him

"Who Is This For?" He Asks

"You" I Asnwer And Pull Him Onto The Rock Bed And Then I Go Get A Bucket Of Water And Run Back

"Need Water?" I Ask

"I Think Its Time To Wake The Guests" He Says And I Nod. I Splash The Water On Them And They Wake Up

"Toothless!" Astrid Says And Hugs Me

"Please....Stop Hugging.....Its Hurts....I Dont Deserve It......Hiccup Deserves It" I Say Trying To Catch My Breath And Astrid Stops And Hugs Hiccup

"So What Happended" She Asked Me

"Well.....Me And Hiccup Got Into Anther Argument And Said Some Words We Should Not Have" I Said

"I Said 'Its Your Fault!' Refering To Stoick" Hiccup Says

"And I May Have Said 'I Wish We Where Never Friends!' And I Regret Every Second Of What I Said" I Say

Then Valka Slaps Both Me And Hiccup On The Head

"Thats For Fighting!" She Says And Walks Over To Astrid. Who Seems Proud At Valka

"You Two Fought?" Astrid Asked Shocked

"Yea" Both Me And Hiccup Say

"You Two Never Fight" Astrid Says Shocked That We Fought

"Toothless, Remember When You Where With The Dragons And Talking About Me" He Says

"Oh No" I Say

"Yea I Heard It All You Big Baby Boo" He Says

"Toothless, You Do Deserve To Live!" He Says And Then Im Worried

"Wait Toothless Said He Didnt Deserve To Live?" Astrid Asked And Valka Looked At Me Sad

"He Also Though He Didnt Deserve To Eat, Didnt Deserve To Be My Friend, Oh And Be Alpha So He Passed The Position To Cloudjumper" He Says And Im Ready For What They Are Gonna Say In 3.....2.....1.....

"TOOTHLESS!" Astrid And Valka Say At The Same Time

"What, I Dont Deserve It Either" I Say Then Lay Down Next To Hiccup

"I Wish I.....Had Not Hurt Hiccup" I Say While Starting To Cry

Then Astrid And Valka Came Over And Comfort Me

"Toothless, Hiccup Forgives You Dont You Hiccup" She Says Then I Hear The Words I Should Never Hear

"I Forgive You" Hiccup Says Waiting For A Response

"Im Sorry I Hurt You" I Respond With While Waiting For A Response

"I Still Forgive You" He Says And I Smile And Think About How Everything's Ok Again Between Me And Hiccup.

"Astrid, Fly To Berk And Get Help" Hiccup Says And Astrid Transforms Into A Deadly Nadder And Takes Off

"Valka, You Could Have Joined Astrid" I Add

"I'm Staying Here To Watch You Two Boys" She Says And We Let Out A Sigh

/ Hours Later \

Astrid, Cloudjumper, And A Few Other Dragons Arrive

"Toothless Alpha, Nice You Decided To Come Home And Be Alpha Again" Cloudjumper Says

"Actually, I Don't Want To Be Alpha Anymore" I Say And Everyone Says


"I Support His Decision, He's My Best Friend" Hiccup Says While Walking Over To Me

"Thank You" I Mouth

"Any Time" He Mouths Back

"Cloudjumper, I Make You Alpha Of All Dragons" I Say And Cliffjumpers Looks Proud

"I Will Not Dissapoint You" Cloudjumper Says Before Picking Up Hiccup And Astrid Picking Me Up

/ The Next Day \

Everything Is Back To Normal Except Now I'm No Longer Alpha And Hiccup Decided Its Time To Hold A Big Mourning Event. During The Event Me And Hiccup Just Thought About Every Dragon And Viking We Lost To Drago And The Bewilderbeast. And Stoick

After That We Went On A Flight Together And Just Had Fun

And Then We Decided From That Day We Would Always Trust Each Other Even In The Most Difficult Times

And Thus

Everything Was Right In The World

Bonds Broken And Wars Started (A HTTYD Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now