C6 : The Funeral

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// Hiccups POV \\

/ The Next Day \

"I Am Addressing Both Dragons And Vikings" I Say

"We Lost Many Good Dragons And Vikings" I Say

"We Lost Gobber, Spitelout, And Many More" I Say And The Vikings Nod

"We Lost Hookfang, Meatlug, Barf And Beltch, And Many More" I Say And The Dragons Nod

"Today, We Will Be Holding A Mass Funeral For Them!" I Say And Raise My Hand Holding A Bow And Arrow

"May The Valkries Welcome Both Dragons And Vikings To Valhalla" I Say While Using Inferno To Lite A Arrow

"May They Sing Your Names With Love And Fury" I Say And We Take Aim

"So We May Hear It From The Deeps" I Finish And Let The Arrow Hit The Ship

Then Everyone Fires A Arrow And The Dragons Fire Small Blasts

Its Burning And Sailing Away From Berk

Then Toothless Comes Up Beside Me Still Tired

"Who Died" Toothless Asks Not Remembering

"Gobber, Spitelout, Many More Vikings, Hookfang, Meatlug, Barf And Beltch, And Many More Dragons" I Say

"So Basicly Everyone?" He Asks

"Yea" I Respond

"Also Mister We Need To Discuss What Happened Yesterday" I Say

We Walk Into Our House And Upstairs

"You....Died" I Say

"WHAT!" He Responds Worried

"You Died From That Stunt And I....Killed The Bewilderbeast In Revenge WIth One Shot" I Say And Toothless Laughs

"Its True Because Every Dragon Wanted Me As Temporary Alpha Till Your Better" I Say And Toothless Stops

"Did You Accept?" He Says

"Of Course!" I Answer

"Also Me And A Skrill Saved Your Life" I State

"Where Is This Skrill, I Need To Thank Him" He Asks

"Dead, He Died Today Because He Poured Everything He Had Into That Last Shot. He Was On The Boat"  I State And Toothless Looks At Me Sad

"At Least I Thanked Him" I Saided And Toothless Was Ok Again

"So.....Whats Next?" He Asks

"We Find Drago" I State

"You Think He Is Alive" He Asks

"He Has To Be......Otherwise, Where Would This Come From!" I Yell As I Throw Drago's Staff Onto The Floor

"Its Ok Hiccup, That Monster Will Never Hurt Us Again" He Says And I Calm Down

"I'm Just Worried, Astrid Still Has Not Come Home And Neither Has Stormfly" I Say

"Just Call Them Using The Power Of Being Alpha" Toothless Says

"Tried, Never Got Any Answer" I Respond

"Send Out Search Party's" He Says

"I Will, After The Funeral Is Over" I Say And Toothless Just Nods

/ After The Funeral \

"Cloudjumper, Take Some Dragons And Search For Astrid And Stormfly" I Say

"I Will Alpha" Cloudjumper Says Then They Fly Off In The Direction Where Astrid And Stormfly Went

Then Toothless Walks Next To Me

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