C2 : The Midnight Call

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// Toothless POV \\

I Wake Up And To Hear Hiccup Crying Out In Pain

I Jump Up And Run Over. I See That The Night Fury Symbol On His Arm Is Glowing A Plasma Blast Purple And He Is Crying In Pain

I Quickly Run And Wake Up Valka

"Toothless, Whats Wrong" She Asks

"Its Hiccup" I Say

"Whats Going On" She Asks

"His Night Fury Symbol Is Glowing Purple" I Say And She Follows Me Upstairs

We See The Hiccups Eyes Are Now A Night Fury Green

Valka Quickly Unclips His Chestplate And See That His Back Has Night Fury Scales On It

"It Takes Effect At Midnight!" We Both Say At The Same Time

He Starts To Look Like A Night Fury

"Valka, If Hiccup....Doesnt Have Control Of Himself When He Turns" I Say

"I Know, He Might Kill Us" She Says And I Swallow The Air In My Mouth And What Could Happen

After A Few Minutes He Looks Exactly Like Me

He Wakes Up And Pins Valka To The Wall Ready To Kill

I Quickly Jump On Hiccup And Pin Him To The Floor With All My Weight Which Is Not Much For A Night Fury. I Use My Paws To Hold Him Down

"Valka! Make Sure He Cant Fly!" I Get Out Strugling And Valka Knows What She Has To Do

She Walks Over And Is Hesitant

"Valka! He Could Kill Us, Do IT SO WE CAN SAVE EVERYONE ON BERK!" I Yell And She Reluctantly Grabs Hiccup's Wing And Twists It Just Enough


Hiccup Just Lays There Crying Then His Eyes Turn To Round Cubes

"Toothless? Mom?" He Asks While Gaining Control Of Himself

"Oh Thank The Gods That Worked" I Say

"You Wernt Sure?" Valka Asks Me

"I Have Never Had To Deal With A Human Turning Into A Dragon Before!" I Answer

"Good Guess" She Responds And I Smile My Famous Toothless Smile

"Hiccup Can You Understand What Im Saying?" I Ask

"Yes!" He Says Happy

"And Can You Please Let Go Of Me" He Asks And I Let Go. He Stands On All Fours And Walks Over

"What Happened?" He Asked

"You Almost Killed Your Mom And Me" I Say

"Why?" He Asks

"Because You Experenced The Rage Curse" I Say

"Whats That" He Asks

"A Night Fury Only Experinces The Rage Curse Once In There Lives, It Makes Them Unstopable Killing Machines. But I Have Already Gone Though It So Dont Worry About Me And I Guess I Dont Need To Worry About You Too" I Say

"Thank The Gods" He Says And Turns To Valka

"Sorry Mom. That I Almost Killed You" He Says

"Its Ok Hiccup, Can You Change Back?" She Asks Hiccup

"Let Me Try" He Says

And Suddenly His Features Shift Back To A Human And He Stand On 2 Legs. Well, 2 Legs And One Foot.

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