C7 : Broken Bonds And Destroyed Lives

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// Hiccup POV \\

We Are A Few Hours From Drago's Island

Me And Toothless Are Discusing About The Plan

"So, We Charge In And Take The Fort?" I Ask

"No, We Should Destroy The Fort After We Get Astrid And Valka" He Says

"You Know That Once We Are Spoted Drago Will Kill Them" I Say

"No He Wont Hes To Clever, He Figures Your Smarter And Would Figure That So He Dosent And Sends Them Off Island" He Responds

"No He Knows I Would Know That So He Would Kill Them!" I Yell

"Its Always About Going In And Leaving It Exploding Isnt It" I Yell

"I Dont Want To Lose Astrid And Valka Not After Stoick" He Yells Back

"You Know Its Your Fault!" I Yell And Then I Realize I Just Said That To My Best Friend

He Starts To Run Off

"Toothless I...." I Ask

"I Wish We Were Never Friends!" He Yells Back Sad, Angry, And Hurt

He Then Runs Out Of The The Room

// Toothless POV \\

What Have I Done?

I Did This

Its My Fault. Im Never Gonna Hurt Him Again, I'll Just Run Away! But Then He Would Just Track Me Down And Try To Bring Me Back.

I Sit On The Edge Of The Boat Just Sitting And Think Ontill Cloudjumper Lands Next To Me

"Whats Wrong Toothless" He Asked

"Me And Hiccup Got Into A Argument.....And I Said Something So Mean I Just Wish I Had Not" I Say Sad

"What Did You Say" He Asks

"I Said 'I Wish We Were Never Friends!' To Him When He Tried Apoligizing" I Said

"What Kinda Friend Am I" I Ask And Just Look Back At The Water

"Listen Toothless, Im Sure If You Go And Talk To Him He Will Understand That You Where Just Letting Off Steam" He Says But I Notice Something In The Water

"What Did He Say That Hurt You?" He Asked

"He Said 'You Know Its Your Fault!' Refering To Stoick" I Say While Staring At The Metal Object

"He Was Just Angry And Sad" He Said But I Ignored Cloudjumper

"He Would Never Mean That" He Said

"Toothless" He Said

"Toothless!" He Said

"Be Right Back" I Said Before Diving Into The Water And Pulling Out A Metal Object

"Oh No!" I Yelled As I Realize What This Metal Object Is

"Hiccup!" I Yelled Then Looked To See Him Flying Into The Fort

// Hiccup POV \\

I Hurt My Friendship With Toothless Because I Was Pig Headed. But Maybe Its Ok Because He Said He Wished We Were Never Friends

I Blast Threw The Fort And Blow Up Some Defenses

I Make It To A Huge Room Containing Drago With Astrid And Mom!

"Drago!" I Snarled

I Changed Into A Human

"That's New" He Says

"Give Them Back Now!" I Say

"Never!" He Says

// Toothless POV \\

I'm Running Towards The Fortress Yelling Hiccups Name

When The Fort Explodes And Hiccup, Astrid, And Valka Go Flying Into The Air

I Realize I Cant Fly

"HICCUP!" I Yell

He Changes Into A Night Fury And Dives After Astrid And Valka

Suddenly A Huge Explosion Erupts And The Whole Island Is Barren And Flat

I Walk Threw The Debry To Find Hiccup.....Dead

"No......NO!" I Say Then All The Dragons Come Behind Me

"Hiccup!" One Dragon Said

"He's Dead!" Another Said

// Hiccup POV \\

I Can Hear But Cant See Or Talk

"I Did This, This Is My Fault. I'm The Worst Friend In History" Toothless Says Sadly And I Start To Feel Bad

"Why Did My Last Words To Him Have To Be 'I Wish We Where Never Friends' I'm The Worst Dragon And Best Friend In The History Of Existence" Toothless Says And I Feel More Sorry And Bad

"Cloudjumper, Take The Dragons And Head Back To Berk. When You Arrive, Consider Yourself Alpha. I Give Up" Toothless Says And I Feel Worse Then Before

"Toothless?" Cloudjumer Asks

"And Don't Come Back For Me, I Want To Die Here" Toothless Says To Cloudjumper And My Heart Breaks And I Want To Move And Tell Him To Not Give Up But I Cant

Then I Hear The Flaps Of Wings And Then Suddenly I Feel Only One Dragon's Heart Here. Toothless

"I Did This" He Says

"I Don't Deserve Hiccup As A Friend, He Was Always Better" He Says And My Heart Breaks Even More

Then I Feel A Another Heart, Drago

"Drago" Toothless Says Then I Hear A Loud Bang And Realize That Toothless Just Pined Drago To The Ground

"You Twisted Me Around Your Little Thumb, You Made Me Kill Stoick. Hurt Hiccup. And Be The Worst Dragon Ever And You Know What I Don't Care, My Life Is Already Over" Toothless Says And My Heart Breaks

"Yea I Used You To Kill Hiccup.....And It Looks Like It Worked!" Drago Says Happy And Toothless Starts Growling

"YOU.....I WANNA.....KILL YOU FOR......MAKING ME HURT HICCUP" Toothless Says In Anger

"But.......I'm Gonna Let You Die A Slow And Painfull Death" Toothless Says Then He Throws Drago Into A Cage And Locks It

Then Toothless Lays Back Down Next To Me And Just Falls Asleep Crying And Losing It And Mumbling "HICCUP IM SO SORRY" He Keep't On Repeating Till He Feel Asleep

A Few Hours Later And I Managed To See A Little. Toothless Still Sleep't Right Next To Me And Drago Was Still Locked In The Cage

// Toothless POV \\


Then I Wake Up And Realize Its The Next Day

"I Did This" I Say Again Before Walking Over To Drago

"Got Any Words Before I Scare You Straight" I Say

"Just A Few, Its Your Fault Everything Is A Mess" He Says So I Sneak To The Other Side Of The Cage And Bite His Leg. When I Let Go He Falls Back And Stand Up. His Leg Is Bitten Hard And He Wont Talk

"Told You That I Would Scare You Straight" I Say Then Walk Back Over To Hiccup

He Is Still A Night Fury, And I Guess That's Gonna Be His Death Form. I Just Lay Down Next To The Body And Start Mumbling My Thoughts Again Before I Hear A Small Whine

I Look Around And See Drago Has Passed Out From My Scare


I Look Around And See Hiccup's Body. One Of His Eyes. Is Open And Focused On Me

Hiccup Is Alive

Bonds Broken And Wars Started (A HTTYD Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now