C3 : The Kidnapping

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// Hiccup POV \\

I Wake Up To Find Myself A Night Fury

"Opps, I Guess I Must Have Shifted In My Sleep" I Say Before Turning Back To A Human

"Toothless, Wake Up You Need To Be Alpha?" I Say

"Actually, I Put Cloudjumper Incharge For The Next Few Days So I Can Help You And The Riders" He Says

"Toothless" I Say

"Ok And Maybe Because I Dont Want To Do It" He Says

"There" I Say

We Get Up And Head Down Stairs

"Good Morning Mo...." I Say But I Realize That Mom Is Not There And That She Was Tooken By Someone

Theres A Note

Dear Hiccup
The Twins Forced Me To Write This Note, They Are Taking Me To Unlock The Temple
From MOM

Help Me Quick

"Toothless! We Need To Get To The Temple And Fast" I Yell And Mount Him

We Take Off

Its To Late. They Are Opening The Temple

"Toothless, I Have A Plan But Your Not Gonna Like It" I Say Then I Unclip Myself From The Saddle And Jump Ahead Of Toothless

In Mid Air I Change Into A Night Fury And Glide To The Exterior Of The Temple

I Get A Plasma Blast Ready To Destroy The Temple

"Let Go Of My Mother" I Say And They Let Her Go

Toothless Runs Next To Me Because He Fell From The Sky

They Rush Inside And They Both Drink The Same Cup With A Zippleback Scale

"Oh No" I Say As I Acidently Let Out A Plasma Blast Knocking Me Back And I Acidently Transform Back Into A Human

"Toothless!" I Yell As The Whole Temple Crushs Everything Around Us

Toothless Covers Us With His Wings So The Debry Does Not Harm Us

Once Everything Is Calmed Toothless Uncovers His Wings

Once He Does Me And Mom Stand Up And See A Zippleback Trying To Move Towards Us But Its Heads Are Sturggling For Control Over The Body

"The Twins" I Say And Everyone Just Stands There

They Finally Get Control And Snatch Me In One Of The Heads Mouths And Runs Off

"You Know That If I Turn Into A Night Fury And Shoot A Plasma Blast Down Your Throught You Would Die" I Lie And With That The Head Throws Me In One Direction On A Upward Angle

"And Now The Flying, Thank You You Useless Reptile!" I Say Before Changing Into A Night Fury And Gliding To The Ground

The Zippleback Comes Over And Is Ready To Fight

Then Toothless Jumps Inbetween Us

"I Am The Alpha!" Toothless Says To The Zippleback While Showing His Blue Glowing Effect To The Zippleback

 "Sorry Alpha" The Zippleback Heads Say And Bowe

"Sorry Alpha" I Say And Bowe. Toothless Mouth Drops And Then He Storms Over To Me

"Seriously Hiccup! You Dont Have To Bowe To Me. You Know I Hate The Boweing" Toothless Says So I Stop Boweing

I Change Back Into A Human Then Run Over To The Twins And Tell Them How To Change Back

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