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The nail techs had just finished our pedicures and we were just chilling as our toes dried. Everything is going cool, so far. I'm sitting in between the two, but they aren't communicating at all, so I'm currently having two completely different conversations. Honestly, it's exhausting. I keep having to turn my head side to side and I can't remember for the life of me what the hell either of these conversations are about. I let out an aggravated sigh causing both of them to stop talking. "I can't take this no more," I looked back and forward between the two.

"What are you talking about?" Anyae questioned when my head turned to her.

"I'm talking about the fact that I'm sitting her having two different conversations about who knows what the fuck because y'all won't speak to each other," I sat back in my seat shaking my head. I'm so over this.

"I don't have anything to say to her. Especially after her and her minions jumped Mya," Anyae shot. Bahja immediately kissed her teeth.

"Mannn. We don't fuck with y'all and all that, but we don't get down like that. And I don't appreciate you throwing them lies around like that," Bahja spoke directly at Anyae with much attitude.

"I don't give a fuck what you appreciate, honestly," Anyae jabbed back," All I know is y'all jumped my girl and that shit beyond wack."

"For the millionth time," Bahja said slightly annoyed, "We ain't jump her. We ain't need to. Armani was beating her ass all by herself. She just thought she got jump because she was delusional from all the head trauma," Bahja chuckled at the last part.

"Ok look bitch," Anyae hopped up causing Bahja to hop up too, "You not finna just sit in my face and talk shit." They got all up in each other face. Everyone in the shop stopped whatever they were previously doing to give their undivided attention. I've never been so embarrassed in my life. I sighed as I got up and stepped between the two facing Bahja who was more than ready to swing.

"You protecting her now," Bahja shot at me, "I ain't know you was her bodyguard." I kissed my teeth slightly tilting my head to the side.

"Come on Bee," I tried to reason, "just walk away, she's pregnant.

"And she better act like it before she get her pregnant ass beat just like Mya soft ass," She said trying to push past me.

"Beat my pregnant ass then Bahja," Anyae taunted. I had to push Bahja back because she was really trying to get at her.

"Bahja, stop, " I yelled after one last push, "Are you serious, who the fuck are you anymore-"

"No, who the fuck are you. You choosing this bitch side over mine. Your cousin!" she yelled back with tears collecting in her eyes. That let me know that she was beyond pissed, "You know what, I'm out," She started to grab her stuff and began to leave, "I don't know what happened in the 3 years after I left Philly but you ain't the same person no more-"

"I grew the fuck up Bahja," I yelled.

"Yeah, whatever. Hit me up when you remember that blood is thicker than water," She stormed out with angry tears streaming down her face. I grabbed my stuff and left not saying another word. When I got outside, I glanced around for my car before realizing that I rode here with Anyae. I rolled my eyes as I pulled out my phone and called a friend for a ride.

"New phone who dis," His voice came smoothly through the phone.

"I need you to pick me up," I said ignoring his antics I was to upset to laugh.

"So I don't hear from you in 2 months and you greet me by asking for a favor?" he said. I was a bit taken back. I know its been a while but I thought we were still friends at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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