2 ~Shark Bate~

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Bahja POV::

As that locker made contact i knew it was about to be world war 97.

???: *runs over* Oh My Goodness Anyae are you ok??

Anyae: yeah im fine LaNae 

 YahYah: look im so sorry

LaNae: oh your not sorry yet new girl

YahYah: ok first lets get this straight my name is Amoriyah...YahYah for short but definately NOT new girl and second, is that a threat i hear??

Anyae:thats a promise freshmeat *pokes YahYah*

Bahja: *gets is Anyae's face* dont touch her 

LaNae: i dont think we were talking to you strawberry shortcake 

Bahja: *rolls eyes* come on YahYah lets go.

Anyae:yeah shoo *waves*but just you crayola i need to talk to newbee here 

Bahja:anything you have to say you can saw in front on me too

YahYah: its fine Bee i see you in class

Bahja: mmmkay * walks to class*

YahYah's POV::

Anyae: *gets in YahYah's face* look new girl i dont like you 

YahYah:*rolls eyes*oh trust the feeling is mutual

LaNae: thats too bad because your kinda cute* reaches to touch here hair*

YahYah: *smacks her hand away* dont touch me

Anyae: fiesty....i like it......look how about we forget about this and you come sit with us at lunch

YahYah: umm i'll pass

LaNae: look just think it over and if you come bring "Bee" with you

YahYah:whatever, whatever *walks away* 

they must think im crazy theres absolutely NO WAY im sitting with them at lunch was for sure my answer was no until i talked to Bee about it.

Bee: i think we should do this


Mrs.Hue: Umm  Amoriyah I know your new here but i know talking in class and then shouting "what thats crazy" is unacceptable in any school so would you mind paying attention

YahYah: yes ma'am i wont happen again 

Bee: but like i was saying if we take this offer we could be the first non-multiples in the PV Royal Twin Clique 

YahYah: soooo what idc...i dont like them and im not going 

Bee: you not getting me.... i dont like them either but we can play friends while we destruct them from the inside.

YahYah: *smiles* your right....ok im in 

~With A'Myra~

??? POV::

we were sitting at our table in homeroom when a new girl walked in the classroom. She was brown skinned with a big afro

Mrs.Lang: Class this is our new student A'Myra Love

Myra: Ummm i go by Myra

Mrs.Lang: well Myra you can sit at table 6 right there *points at table 6*

Myra: ok thanks *walks to the table and sits down*

Myra POV::

these girls look a little sneaky...maybe this is what YahYah meant by "sharks" then the brown skinned girl with long curly hair spoke.

???: Hi im Mariah or Riah

Myra: Hi i like your hair

Mariah: thanks i like yours

Myra: thanks so whats your names

???: im JaLae...i go by LaeLae or just Lae

???: Im Kailey but i go by Kitty because i love my cat Astro

Myra: thats cool what kind is it

Kitty: he is a tabby

Myra: awwwn i love tabbies

Kitty: me too *smiles*

Myra: *smiles back*

these girls arent so bad...they're actually nice. they were really pretty to Kailey was white with blonde hair and a bang and JaLae was light skinned with curly hair like Mariah's but LaeLae's was and brown color.

Nae: sooo Myra we need a new place to hang out...mind if we come to your place 

Myra: ummm sure but let me ask my older sister *texts YahYah*

Lil Sissy😍: mind if i have some friends over after school??

Big Sissy😘:yeah sure...glad you made friends already...how many tho

Lil Sissy😍: 3..your gonna love them

Big Sissy😘: ok i'll go get snacks then pick you guys up

Lil Sissy😍 : love u 2 

Miyraa: she said yeah 

Kitty: great but why did you ask your sister and not you mom or dad 

Miryaa: i dont live with them my older sister and i recently moved here to LA from Miami

Riah: oh cool so i bet you can do whatever you want huh

Miryaa: *chuckles* yeah something like that

Lae: cool

Heyyy yalllll did yall like it...if so like,share,comment,vote, and suscribe....I know what your thinking "what about the boys".....hold your horses they're comming soon....Miryaa on the side Bee up next !!!

Peace and Love,


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