5~The Party and The Plan~part 2

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Amoriyah and Bahja sit down with the other girls.

Bee:Hey yall

???:Hey BeeHive

???(2&3):Heyy Boo

Bee:guys i want you to meet my cousin

YahYah:hey im Amoriyah but yall can call me YahYah

???:We know we heard about what happened

YahYah:really that fast

???(2):yea gossip spreads like wildfire

???(3):mhmm we also heard about you and Bee sitting with the PV Royals at lunch today and thats pretty big news cuz nobody sits with the PV Royals but the PV Royals

YahYah:wow but what are your names and how do you guys know so much

???(2): im Armonii or just Monii

???(3):im J'Naii but i go by Naii

???: *shyly* im Liliana but i go by Lillie

YahYah:*points at Monii and Naii* are u to....

Monii:twins ?

Bee:Yup you see Monii and Naii are former PV Royals so they know their likes and dislikes and things to make them click and Lillie here is really into csi and stuff like that so the can do undercover work and or just be a fly on the wall

YahYah:*chuckles*wow this thats a little much dont you think

Monii:this is no laughing matter taking down the PV Royals will give you the credit we need to be the most popular girls in Pacific Vista and plus this will be fun like a jigsaw puzzle but we'll be taking it apart.

YahYah:idk guys we could get emotionally or even physically hurt

Bee:look these girls sit on their high horses all day and judge people like their high and mighty and were gonna stop that so are you in or not

YahYah:*sigh* I guess

Bee:*hugs her roughly with excitement* YAYYY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BIG COUSINNNN

YahYah: *laughs* you know for a little cousin you sure are a bad influence on me

Bee:*sarcastic gasp*who me


Lillie:*looks over YahYah's shoulder and then giggles*

Monii:ooooo who you giggling at

Lilliei:*snaps back to reality*nobody

Monii:mhmmm lets see who this nobody is*sneaks a look over her shoulder* damn he is cute

Lillie:i think he coming over here hows my hair

Naii:it fine just relax and act normal

???:*walks over* hey im craig and if i didnt know any better i would say that u were flirting

Lillie:*shyly* i might have *looks down*

Craig:dont ever look down and deny me the right to look into your beautiful brown eyes *lifts her chin*



YahYah:hey im gonna go to the restroom brb*walks away*

Craig:*to Lillie* let me take u out tonight

Lillie:um idk

Craig:*smiles*let me rephrase that...im taking you out tonight at 7

LIllie:*chuckles*oh ok

Craig:I also have friend if you ladies are interested three of them

Monii:i got nothing to lose so im in

Naii:then im in too

All:*looks at Bee*

Bee POV::

The only person i got my heart set on is ray so i dont want nobody that this random dude is trying to set me up with. But he do look kinda look familiar..i think i seen him on Instagram a few times or whatever and isnt Craig the name of one of Ray's friends but ive never seen him and what are the odds that this is Ray's friend Craig is a common name

Bee:um i cant tonight i have something important to do...you know family stuff

Craig:*raises his eyebrow and tilts his head*

Bee:but my cousin YahYah....im sure she would want to go

Craig:ok i guess *to Lillie* I'll call you *turns to walk away*

Nawni:*confused* dont you need my number

Carig:*turns back and smiles* nahh *walks away and pulls out his phone*

Lillie:*chuckles* ok good luck getting it then *gets a text*

TrapGodProd: i already have it

*LillieBunnyy*: cute...creepy...but cute

TrapGodProd: Mhmm see u at 7

Heyyy guys sorry it took me so long but im back now but Vote and Suscribe and Comment...um Mia(Left) and Mya(right) on the side Hailey and Bailey up next...

Peace and Love,


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