Chapter 5

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Your POV

I was brought home later that night, tired and sore. I felt bad for falling on Dustin and Mike, but honestly they could've moved. I sat with Steve in the living room, till he went to the kitchen, calling take out because he can't cook.

"Steve, make real food." I asked, he peeped his head through the door way telling me to stay quiet, other wise I get nothing. I rolled my eyes, changing the channel to the food net work.

"Make this." I tried to convince him to make real food. He hissed at me, calling the fast food restaurant in town, I rolled my eyes once again.

I went to my room, turning my tv on. I fixed the antennas to the right channel, god I hate these. I laid down on my bed, watching tv till Steve got supper going.

"Y/N, get down here." Steve called, I slumped my way off the bed, forcing myself to walk down stairs.

"What?" I asked, he looked at me and crossed his arms, what is he mom?

"Your not allowed leaving the house, anymore. After school you come home, got it?" My jaw dropped, is he kidding? I stood there puzzled as ever, staring at him.

"What? Why?" I asked, he told me not to ask questions and I couldn't leave the house. I stored to my room, taking a bag of fast food with me. I yelled at Steve and slammed my door.

I fell asleep on my bed with the wrapper of the fast food, laying around. I ran down stairs hearing the from door open, I covered my eyes, as heavy rain was pouring into the house.

"Steve!" I called, but he didn't answer, first I thought he may have gotten drunk or he left the house. At this point I was panicking, I slammed the door shut locking all the locks, including the windows.

I ran to the phone, dialing Will's number since we live out in the middle of no where. I waited till he picked up. No one answered, I scream as a reaction and hung up the phone, getting shocked.

I looked at my finger and noticed it was beat red, I burnt it. I ran it under cold water. Being as freak out as possible. I fainted.

Mike's POV

We sat this girl on the couch in the basement. We all stared at her, she seemed shy and nervous not wanting to move or talk. Dustin asked her so many questions that she wouldn't answer, including scaring her.

I pulled the boys aside when we sent the girl to change, she was scared and didn't want to be alone.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's mental that's what!" I rolled my eyes, staring at them they fought over where she came from, they said the 'nuthouse' and started making comments about each other.

"Guys, we can't tell my mom." They looked at me and said they wanted to, but we couldn't. I explained why and they promised not to say anything. The phone rang causing us to jump.

"Mike it's for you." My mom yelled, I ran to the phone sitting on a chair, I picked up.


"Mike, this is Joyce, Will's mom. Is Will with you?" She asked I looked at the boys shaking our heads between each other.

"No, sorry." I hung up the phone after a 10 minute conversation with her.

"I have a plan, she sleeps here tonight-"

"Your letting a girl sleep here!!!" Dustin said, I pushed him back letting myself continue from where I left off.

"In the morning, she goes to the front door asking for help and my mom will know what to do. Bingo, then we find Will!" I told them, they agreed with the plan, adding something of their own.

Dustin and Lucas made comments as they left up the stairs. I set up an area for her to sleep for the night. She sat down looking around, I smiled at here tossing the sleeping bag at her.

"I never asked your name." I told her, she looked around ignoring me before, pulling up her sleeve revealing a tattoo marked 011.

"Whoa you got a tattoo, sick." She pulled away from me when I went to touch it. I apologized.

"Eleven, well my names Mike, short for Michael." She smiled slightly, finally some sort of emotion.

"Maybe we can call you El, short for Eleven." I asked, she nodded, smiling agreeing with me. I closed the lights off telling her I needed to head to bed. I said good night, leaving the basement, with a small light for her.

Next Morning....

I woke up, pulling the sheets off me. Running down stairs, I placed 4 eggos in the toaster keeping three for me and one for El.

I sat at the table with my family, chomping down on the eggos, Nancy looks at me weird, I look at her and smille wide with food in my mouth.

"Ew that's disgusting." I knew it annoyed her and I wanted to piss her off, I finished what was in my mouth and spoke.

"Do a lot of studying last night?" I asked, she looked at me with cold eyes. She answered by saying she did, that's when I asked. "What was your test on again? Human anatomy ?" I choked trying not to smile.

Nancy kicked me, and I kicked her back, before I could kick her again my mom asked what was going on. We looked at each other and said 'nothing' so we didn't get caught.

I ran to the basement seeing El with my Walkie Talkie. I told her what do and how the plan was going down, she looked at me and said 'No'. I sighed sitting down.

I asked if she was in trouble and she looked at me funny, always using her face for expressions. My mom called me and I ran upstairs telling El, I'd be right back. I was forced to go to school, not telling my mom anything or El.

I got on my bike and rode to the woods and waited till I saw her drive by and biked home, leaving the boys at school, returning to El.

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