Chapter 8

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Your POV

Later that moring after almost crying myself to death, El convinced me to go to school. I couldn't bring her with me, so I left her at home, No on will be around anyway.

"El, I need to go. Do whatever you want just don't leave the house. Can you meet me in my room at lunch? I'll come home." I said, I needed to see her.

I left the house, grabbing my bike. I smiled looking up at the sky, I peddled down the road to the school dropping my bike off. I met up with Dustin and Lucas, Mike was still putting his bike in the rack.

"How's El?" Mike said walking up to us, I shrugged, but answered him.

"She's fine, did you know she could eat a packet of eggos for breakfast?" I asked laughing, Lucas looked at us all funny talking about Eleven, he still doesn't trust her, he may never.Mike started laughing agreeing with me, I haven't seen him this happy or bubbly since I don't know.

"Um... at lunch I have to go, I need to see Will's Mom about somthing." I said, slowly walking awat not wanting them to know too much. I felt a pinch on my left arm, I tightened up turning to face where the pain was coming from.

"Were coming! We want to find Will!" Mike said, I couldn't let them, I wanted just El and I to go. She experienced the same things as me and if I have someone else on board with me, maybe Joyce won't think I'm crazy.

"I don't know, I was gonna bring El." As soon as they heard me say her name, they all blew up and started yelling at me. Not to say her name in public or even near adults. I rolled my eyes.

"Well look here, It's FrogFace, Toothless and Midnight..." I stood beside the boys arms crossed, I hate how Troy thinks he's the best at this school well not anymore.

"Stop it Troy, They have names use them, Learn them!" I spat, he looked at me with the stink eye, I could tell he didn't like being told off, but no way amd I letting him be rude to my friends.

"What'd you say Pipsqueak?"

"You heard her!" Mike yelled trying to be tough. I knew he had it in him but what I saw, didn't see coming. Troy laughed when Mike got tripped and bashed his chin off a rock on the grass. I pushed Troy in the mud, he looked at me funny before I made myself look taller, causing him to run.

I ran to Mike seeing if he was okay, he stood up pushing me away. I tried to get him talking but he wouldn't talk just looked at us. He then continued to pick rocks for when we leave later tonight.

We ran inside the school, getting to class. The thing is I could still hear Will, I needed to leave the school and see Joyce, fast.

"Y/N, wake up. Did you not sleep last night?" I was stunned and shocked. I squealed hearing laughing from around the room rubbing my eyes. Then saw the teacher hovering above my desk.

"No, I had a rough night...." I didn't want to expose my brother, or Mike's sister so I kept quiet and pretending like nothing happened. I was about to fall back asleep when the bell rang. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me out of class.

Dustin had grabbed me, he picked me up and carried me bridal style to the bike rack. I didn't want to wake up, nor did I want to bike.

"Ugh, Y/N. Sit down and hold on!" I heard Dustin's quiet voice say. I sat down lifting my feet up leaning against what felt like Dustin's back. I put my hands on his back resting my face against them.


Mike's POV

We knocked at the door of Will's House, seeing his mom come. She looked like a wreck, it's the nicest way we could have put it. She looked at the four of us funny.

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked, we looked between the three of us, seeing as Y/N was half asleep. She let us inside, we saw Christmas lights hanging from every where, she was going nuts.

"Whoa, Mrs Byers. Your ready for Christmas already!" Y/N said laughing, it was kind of cute seeing her half asleep, she said anything that came to her mind.

"Your mom and sister just left a half hour ago..." Joyce said, I looked at the boys, we all sat at her kitchen table or so what was left of it.

"We need to talk to you." Joyce looked at us concerned before looking over to her couch. She put on a smile and let us talk. I looked over at Y/N, she needs to start talking.

Dustin shook her, she woke up slowly staring at Mirs Byers. Her eyes popped out of her head, she rubbed them once more before clearing her throat.

"I've been seeing, and hearing... Will." Joyce, had tears down her face and held Y/N hands not believing what she was hearing.

"W-what do you mean? Only I can see and hear my little Will." Joyce said covering her mouth.

"His voice had been appearing and he's been talking to me, through the phone and-d the tv. Sometimes even I can feel his presence through the  floors and walls." Y/N said, almost crying, she wiped her face staring at Joyce.

"I can-t believe it, someone is experiencing the same as me." Joyce said, she saw the lights blinking. She then soon enough got up to the kitchen getting some food for the four of us. I got up following Y/N down the hall, she turned down a hall to Will's room.

The two boys followed, seeing Y/N and I in Will's room. We closed the door not wanting Joyce to see us. Lights started flickering like crazy and Y/N looked like she was in pain. She stared at one light going to touch it, when I pulled her away, screaming her name.

The light was shinning so bright we all closed our eyes, I felt Y/N's  grip on me loosen. The light dimmed down, we opened our eyes, seeing that Y/N was gone, she vanished in thin air.

"The Light...Look!"

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