○°•●Just Wanna Hug you●•°○

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Hey guys!! Woah... I've been inactive for a long time... heck yeah!! Time for a shitty new chapter!! oh yeah, enjoy the vid above. That's Karma and Nagisa singing seishuun satsubastron?? Uhmmm yeah. Opening #1!


Manami's POV

Hmmm.... Good morning Kuro~ I rubbed the black kitten's back, making him purr in the process

"You're soooooo cute!!!!" I lifted him up and hugged him. As he opened his eyes, I noticed something unusual.

Huh? I didn't notice it before but his eyes....

Have the same color as Karma's ?!

I just giggled at my new discovery and hugged him tighter

"You're so adorable like Karma" i giggled as he licked my cheeks with his cute little tongue

"I wish you would hug me like that too Manami~" an outsider's voice suddenly interrupted

"W--whaaa!!!! Karma?!!!" I shouted, backing up to the wall

'Am I hallucinating?!'

He was sitting on the chair beside my bed, holding the pink bunny with a strawberry apron that he won for me at the arcade and drinking some hot chocolate from my..... favorite mug

"Waaaahhh?! What are you doing here?!"

He just chuckled and flicked my forehead

"I'm here to pick you up, sleeping cutie~"

"Th-this early in the morning?!"

"What are you talking about?" He scoffed

I looked at him with a confused expression and looked at the alarm clock... 8:46 am


I rushed out of my room and started brushing my teeth. I ran back to my room to get my uniform and ran back to the cr.

"Oh my god I'M LATE!!!" i was already panicking and went back inside my room to atleast comb my hair. I have no time to braid it!! He was still sitting there, chuckling

"You're so cute Manami"

"Karma!! Come on hurry up!! We're really really really late for school!!!" I took his hand and scampered downstairs

"Bye Onii-chan!! Onee-chan!! No need for breakfast!!"

Akari-nee looked at me weirdly (well, a smug face to be exact) and scoffed. 

"Better get up early next time sleeping cutie~~" she teased


I was practically dragging Karma all the way to the station. As we entered the train, I slumped down on the floor.

"Too much adrenaline rush huh?" he chuckled

"Y-yeah I-I think so too.." I replied, trying to catch my breath

"The floor's not comfy you know~" he said as he placed me on the chair beside the door. I just laughed akwardly and nodded.

He just sighed and pulled me up. 

"Looks good on you" he suddenly said

"Hmmm? what do you mean?"

"Your hair"

"O-Oh! R-really? W-wait... are you-"

"I mean it" he grinned geniunely, patting my head

"Thankyou... Karma" i smiled at him then looked away.

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