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Sorry this is kinda short, I hope you all like it! Please vote and comment. More the merrier!


<<Niall's POV>>

<<Back at the Castle on a Hill, previous evening>>

"Father, I would like to throw a dance for all o' the people ages sixteen ta twenty." I asked

"Well, that seems quite reasonable, but you better find someone soon, son, I want to see my son's queen while I'm still smoking," he said with smoke puffs coming out of his mouth. I was never a fan of smoking, but I do occasionally for a show thing. But me heart dropped, Father was a devout Catholic and I worried he wouldn't approve of my little 'secret'

"Uh, yes father, I will, and I will protect and love her with all my heart." I promised. Mum already died when I was born due ta too much blood loss. And of course, Greg nobody liked.

"You may send out the invite, and please do it soon." Father coughed. I quickly thanked him and immediately went to find Harry, who was brushing his hair. But it took me about 10 minutes because I got lost in me own home.

"I know I said you could go, but I need something real quick." I insisted

"Oh, okay, what is that, Niall?" he asked, setting the brush down and straightening his shirt.

"So, I want to have a dance in the next few days, I don't want too many invites, jest fifty." I requested

"Okay," Harry said. "I'll put in and order, and where do you want this?"

"This Town," I answered

"The one we visited this afternoon?" specified Harry

"Yes, that one,"

"It's getting late, may I do it tomorrow mornin'?" asked Harry

"Yes, you may, if there are any leftover, you may have them delivered to the next town over, but my priority though is this town." I said, specifying my request

"And if there's not enough?" Harry asked

"Then that's too bad, they don't get to go, I guess." I answered

"Oh, okay." Harry replied. I felt like Harry was someone I could trust. Can I?

"Hey, um Harry, are ye good with secrets?" I asked

"Yes, for ye, master Niall, anything." He answered. He was calling me 'master' again he hasn't called me that for years, but I wasn't sure if that's a good or bad thing.

"Well, remember that boy we saw doin' laundry?" I asked

"Yeah, we got caught starin' at the bloke." Harry said, again, he was using his British lingo, another sign of something.

"Well, he doesn't seem to have anyone protecting him, I feel obligated to protect those without protection, and he especially pounded me hard," I admitted quietly

"Are ye insinuating that yer attracted to him?" Harry asked, slowly

"Yes, er, nnoo, um, maybe." I confessed, shakily, "Well, I mean, who wouldn't, he's so ye know, like, vulnerable."

"I know what you mean, and there's no reason to be ashamed of that, even if the archbishop or pope condemns it." Harry said, uh, oh he's acting like a sage again, but at the same time, he doesn't seem to judge me.

"It's okay to feel for him, you're going ta be king soon anyways, you can cut the connection from the pope and create yer own laws." Harry reassured. Then he hugged me and his lip brushed my cheek lightly. "I know that it took a lot to say that and the fear of that everyone's going to judge."

"Do you think I'm an abomination?" I asked. I remember from church services at the cathedral and at my studies, homosexuality was an abomination. We never went over it really, because it wasn't really important.

"O' course not, yer bonnie in yer way, cause God makes no mistakes, yer on the right track honey, ye were born that way." Harry said. His voice sounded like an angel, first he was calling me master, then acting like a sage, then all British again and now, an angel, how many personas does he got?

"Thank ye, Harry." Was all I could say.

"Yer a brave man, Niall, fuck all those who think otherwise." Harry said with a coy smile, he was back to himself again. I giggled, Harry almost never swears. "Get ready for bed now, I'll bring ye some cookies and warm milk."

"Okay, make sure it's chocolate, I love that stuff." I called after he left

"Okay Niall!" he answered. I quickly stripped and put on me nightclothes. I quickly scrubbed with some teeth powder and exfoliated while saying me prayers. Harry came and had a small tray with cookies and a mug of warm chocolate milk with extra cream.

"Thank ye Harry." I thanked, taking a cookie and dipping it in the creamy drink. We sat on me bed and I asked, "So why don't ye judge me like most others?"

"Because it is wrong, we're supposed to love others regardless of who they are. Jesus hung out with twelve men and thugs and prostitutes and other lowlifes." He said "At least that's how I interpret the Bible, but I'm not a Catholic,"

"Then what are ye?"

"I don't know, but religion jest doesn't seem to fit me, I guess kindness?" he replied "In kindness, you have to be kind to every kind."

"That sounds like a pretty reasonable religion." I agreed "You, know, when I'm king, yer going to be my royal advisor." I promised

"That sounds, exciting." Harry said eating a cookie. I took the last one and he blew out my lamp. I thought of like, sixty-thousand questions, will that sweet guy show up? Does he even want to? Will or does anyone find me attractive or handsome? What will happen if I try to marry a guy? Is that even precedented? Will I be assassinated? If I were to make love to a man, where would it go? I guess that's something to ask Harry, hah! I wonder what he would say. It was really hot and steamy for some reason. I completely stripped and went back to sleep.

That night I got an revelation, I dreamed of like, ten different sex positions I could have with that boy. The moon is breaking through her hair. He said it was something that he won't forget. I swear it was God-sent and he approved of it and still loved me. That plus my bare body rubbing against the white sheets and the steamy, hot room got me so happy that night and I wasn't even awake! Weird things do happen at night. It's amazing how fast a Night Changes.

So, that might be a sneak peek of what's coming later. Stay tuned!

Question: What is your favourite song from Zayn's solo career, Least favourite? Mine is Dusk till Dawn or Pillowtalk for favourite. Least would be 'I don't wanna Live forever' because I don't really like Tay-Tay, that is, unless I hear something worse.

The Place To Lose Your Fears *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now