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Dedicated to @8farah for all of her comments, votes and follow! Thank You and please follow her as well as @Louis_Payne_ (I forgot to say this in the last part, sorry)

PS: see, Niall can't resist, i love the gif! <3<3


<<Niall's POV>>

"Are ye sure, doctor, maybe they rushed through the tests or scans?" I asked

"No, we sent a very large sample and they said that it was unmistakable," the doctor said, opening the door, two other doctors came in, one o' them was the one from the other day. They had large gas tanks and a mask.

"Liam, surgery was an option, but we believe that it may not be the best option for yer treatment," the previous doctor said,

"Why not?" demanded Louis,

"Because, it is very risky and has a high rate on infection that could lead to later complications and a much more painful death," he warned

"So what do ye plan ta do?" Zayn asked

"We plan ta do some oxygen treatment, he will breathe oxygen and it would put less stress on his lungs and therefore put less strain on his body and will cause less pain when he dies," he explained.

"No! not me Liam!" Louis shouted, "Lima bean! I believed! Ye told me that ye had faith!" Louis shouted, collapsing on the floor. Liam looked hurt that his love was in so much distraught and misery.

"Louis, please, don't mourn me death, but love me life!" Liam pleaded, sliding off o' Karen's lap and bending doon to comfort Louis.

"Louis, please, listen ta Liam," I begged, bending doon. I knew that kings weren't supposed to bend doon for anyone, much less a servant, but Louis needed me. He needed all o' us.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have brought in a hospice nurse, along with Karen," the second doctor introduced, he was a shorter, chubbier doctor who looked to be in his fifties. He was bald with a slightly wrinkled face and a brown/grey beard and blue eyes. He brought in a brown haired nurse, who looked as if she was an angel sent from heaven.

"Hello, me name is Johannah Deakin," she introduced herself. She was in the same uniform as Karen. She bent doon and comforted Louis, heels tapping the floor,

"Boobear don't cry, please, I know that this is hard, but please rejoice in the moments you do have with Liam, here." She said in an angelic voice. Louis stopped crying, and held on to her like she was his mum. He was still whimpering.

"We would like for ye ta do some paperwork, Liam, we have emancipated ye from what has happened ta ye." One o' the doctors said,

"Yes, I remember, all o' the paperwork when I was first brought here." Liam answered.

Next was a lot o' more paperwork and a very thorough description o' Liam's final hours as if it was scheduled. I'll admit, I did let a few tears loose.

"We need ta give these ta Liam," Harry whispered, "We need ta get to the jail in an hour and a half," Harry stated, glancing at his bronze pocket watch. I lost trace o' time, but the doctors were soon gone. Karen and Johannah were both still here. Karen fed Liam some o' the still-hot tomato soup. We waited for Liam to finish.

"Here is yer gift, Liam," Harry smiled, giving Liam the basket. He smiled in his bed and took out the gifts. Zayn sat next ta him as he pulled out five bars o' Swiss chocolates, a platter o' Chinese rice cakes, Yorkshire puddin' and a mousse.

The Place To Lose Your Fears *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now