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<<Niall's POV>>

"That, bastard, is why!" Harry said sternly.

"Paul," I reminded. He took the headmaster's hands with a piece of rope that was lying around.

"W-w-wait?" he interrupted, "What are ye talking aboot?"

"Your treatment of Liam Payne!" Louis wailed, "You will pay for your treatment of that young lad now!" his British accent was stronger than steel.

"We are going ta free the lad, right?" Zayn asked. We all heard another howl of agony. Zayn didn't wait for a response, he bolted to the door o' the cellar. Louis and Harry ran after him. The maid tried to run, but I tripped her and made sure that she would also pay for jest standing by this wretched mistreatment without mercy. I went doon and Paul o' course had to as well. If I had known this were ta happen, I would have definitely brought more guards. As they ran ta the basement, I could hear a small voice crying,

"I promises, mistress, I didn't steal the ring, please! Please! Please! I'm begging ye, please have mercy on me!" he begged. Louis stopped and looked at his ring. I already knew he was feeling guilty. Another nefarious female voice yelled,

"Ye are a robber and ye will pay, when I am done, Headmaster will see what the next part o' yer punishments will be!" she boomed. Me mind went blank as I forced meself to go doon to the torture chamber. I had to, to save him.

When I reached doon the dark cellar I was petrified by the squalor and savagery of this place. Moldy food and rubbish was thrown aboot. There seemed ta be a dead rat in one corner and flies everywhere. Me digestion felt disordered and I could tell that everyone else was too. Candles were tipped over, old pieces o' paper was strewn aboot. Soot covered everything. Feces seemed ta be smeared everywhere, it seemed ta be animal feces. Maggots crawled and inched all around me boots and me skin immediately flared at this decay. The brick wall had many cracks stretched over it and spiderwebs with big black spiders and small rodents scurrying around.

However none of this shattered me heart as where Liam was. He was tied to a hook and the older woman-maid handed a club and a Bible. There was a paper on the wall that read;

Proverbs 22:15: "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him."

Under that read another sign that said

Proverb 23:13-14: "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell (i.e. death)."

I was so indignant that these sociopaths would justify their barbarity with the words of God, who is supposed to me merciful and just. Liam was naked and had several black contusions all over his tiny body. His right eye was swollen shut and had several cuts on his lower back with tiny grubs crawling all over his frame. I was told never ta hit a woman, but I walked up to the woman and lashed her verbally. I snatched the club and flung it so hard that it splintered and I unleashed me Irish fury.

"You will pay!" was all I could say at first. The amount of anger and consternation was indescribable and I was sure that these people will compensate this poor child with everything they have. She recoiled and put her hands up in defense. There was another knock on the door. I didn't give a single shit what that was because all I cared was rescuing Liam from this hell. Louis was already untying Liam and getting all of the maggots off.

I was so angry at these people. I made a mental note ta meself ta find some way ta prevent this from ever happening again. I could see as the young maid coming doon with four more soldiers. O' course, Paul, he never sleeps and probably saw that I was missing.

The Place To Lose Your Fears *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now