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Hayley came later that day, and for a bit, everything seemed normal. Jimmy had told Nancy a completely fabricated reason why Alyssa got fired - that he caught her stealing something, and I told Hayley the same, although I could tell she didn't really believe it. But Nancy was at work, Jimmy was at work, and I got to spend time with a lovely woman and two beautiful girls. It all seemed pretty normal.

But Jimmy got home from work late, completely wasted, so Hayley had to help him get to bed. For a moment I wondered if they too were having an affair, but Hayley was such a nice woman and happily married so I shook that thought off instantly.

"This isn't normal for him," she muttered as she came back downstairs. "I haven't seen him like this in a very, very long time."

I wasn't surprised that he was wasted.

Nancy got in around 11PM, when I was already in bed, but a knock on my door alerted me that she wanted to speak to me. Luckily I was still awake, watching 'The Office' after just getting off the phone to James, so I let her come in. She sat down at the edge of the bed nervously.

"How was your day?" I asked her, unsure exactly why she was in here.

"Busy, busy, busy!" She laughed. "Gosh, it's so crazy at the minute. I love the job, I really do, but sometimes it's a little too much, you know? And I hate spending so much time away from the girls. How have they been today?"

"They've been really good," I smiled at her. "They were at pre-school, and on our way home Winnie was telling us about this little boy, Jeff. She definitely has a crush on him, but she was going all shy when we asked her about it! It was so sweet."

"Oh, yeah, she's mentioned him to me a few times. Was it... was it you and Hayley that went to pick her up?" She asked hesitantly.

Ah. The real reason she was in here. Alyssa.

"Um, yeah," I replied slowly. "Jimmy called her this morning after, you know, and she was more than happy to come."

Nancy cleared her throat, before looking at me again. She was so beautiful – how could Jimmy cheat on her? "Actually, Izzie, I don't know. Not really. Jimmy told me what Jimmy told me, but... I don't know. It just doesn't make sense to me. Why would Alyssa steal something? And how did he even find out?"

I twiddled my thumbs nervously. "I'm honestly not sure, Nancy. I don't really know what happened. I was just in my room, and I heard shouting, and I-"

"Jimmy was shouting?" She raised her eyebrows. I just shrugged my shoulders, and she sighed. "Wow, he must have been pretty mad with her. But Alyssa... I mean, she could sometimes be a little stand-offish, but she was a good person. I didn't think her capable of this."

Neither did I. But she definitely wasn't a good person, no matter what Jimmy and Nancy both insisted.

Although the day had been fairly normal, all day I had been wondering what the fuck to think. Do I believe Jimmy, and take Alyssa for a psychotic, obsessive homewrecker? Or do I look at the bigger picture and decide that, probably, he at least led her along a little bit?

Nancy speaking again brought me out of my thought bubble. "Anyway, I'm going to bed, I have another early start tomorrow. But I mean, Izzie," she looked right at me, her blue eyes piercing into me. "You would tell me, if something else was going on, right? If there was another reason for Alyssa getting fired?"

I froze, unsure what to say. "I-I mean, what other reason would there be?" I managed to stutter out.

"Huh, I don't know," she pondered, before giving me a smile. "Good night, Izzie."

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