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"What do you think? Too much cleavage?"

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, speaking to Louisa who was standing beside me. I was wearing a dark green dress with a very plunging neckline, my long hair tied back which I thought drew more attention to the cleavage area, or lack thereof.

"Never too much cleavage," Louisa smirked. "Especially with those tits, Izzie."

"What tits?" I frowned, looking down at my practically non-existent breasts.

"I doubt Jimmy will have any complaints," she raised her eyebrows at me knowingly.

"Don't," I told her, smoothing over my dress before grabbing my purse.

"You still acting coy about what the fucketing fuck happened between you two last night?"

Louisa knew I had gone to Jimmy's last night when I ran off - after demanding his number from her I could hardly deny it. I simply told her that we had talked about things then went to sleep, when in reality it was far different to that. There wasn't much talking.

I could honestly say it was the most incredible night of my life. Not only was the entire sex side of it amazing, just being with him and feeling our strong connection again made the entire experience completely memorable. It's like we were two magnets pulling toward one another, and now that it had happened again I wasn't sure how I could stop it.

I felt a little awkward this morning as I didn't know how to play it, but luckily he kissed me as soon as he woke, as if nothing at all had changed between us. "I wish I didn't have to go to work," he had groaned as he pulled away from me. "I'm exhausted. I just want to stay in bed all day with you."

"Me too," I smiled, leaning over to kiss him again, wanting to savour the moment forever incase this was the last. I was sure it wouldn't be - after all we were seeing each for dinner and I was sure it would end in the same outcome, but I couldn't be sure what would happen next. I lived in LA, he in New York, and there was the small problem of Cameron.

I had fully intended on talking to Cameron today about it all, and ending things completely. We had a lunch date booked, and it wasn't until I was on the way to it that he had to cancel because a last minute shoot had come up. It meant that I had to go to dinner with Jimmy with the burden of Cameron hanging over me, but Cameron and I had never once said we were exclusive. I was glad as well that Cameron was too drunk to remember me running out on his last night, otherwise that would've been a bit difficult to explain.

Still, I did feel bad about how I'd handled things. It wasn't so much guilt, it was more because Cameron was such a great guy and he didn't deserve to be messed around. I decided I was going to speak to him tomorrow, and end things for good. It was only fair to him, and to myself.

But now I was about to go out for dinner with Jimmy and the nerves were settling in my stomach, alongside excitement. All I'd been thinking about from the minute I left him was seeing him again tonight. We were meeting at an Italian place just off Broadway, and although I was a little fearful of getting recognised, at the same time I kind of wanted us to get photographed together. Louisa, however, didn't want that to happen.

"You don't want to start off rumours. You don't want to get slated, he's a divorced man, Izzie. People will think it's weird."

"I don't care what people think, Louisa. You know that."

"Are you going to tell him about Cameron?" She asked.

Honestly - I wasn't sure what to do. Part of me was telling me that I needed to be completely truthful with him, and not hide anything. What good would lying do, when lies were the reason we broke apart in the first place? But the other part of me was saying to conceal it - why did he need to know if it wasn't really anything in the first place? Plus, I didn't want to jeopardise anything that potentially could be.

The Nanny [Jimmy Fallon]Where stories live. Discover now