Chapter 2: Court of Owls

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Phoenix's POV

I came right in time I was flying above the roof of the European Castle that was made only for the nobles which known as Owls. It was huge, no, gigantic almost doubled the size of our castle. It appearance on the outside looks old and mossy, making the bricks look like it was unclean for ages. I reverted my wings and head to the balcony near my location to enter the castle and see for myself what's in inside.

**** Almost everyone has arrived, Phoenix, Vampire, Witch, Fairy, Wolf, and Mermaid. They gathered in front of the court and sit on their thrones. Phoenix smiling widely beside the Vampire princess he admired. While witch, fairy, and mermaid is having a fun time showing to each other's their skills.

On the very end of the seat beside wolf there was a vacant chair, it made him wonder and wanted to ask question.

Wolf's POV

I'm being impatient here, if they wanted to talk to us which I know the reason why they call for our presence here, then why don't they do it now. I'm curious about the vacant seat beside me. All I know is that there were only six-clan in mystical world that used to be the allies of the white side. Were here for almost an hour and I'm itching to go out of here. While everyone was busy talking to each other I stand on my seat which catches their attention.

"Can I ask a question?" I ask politely while directly looking at one of the member of the court.

"Go ahead" the court member replied to me. I conclude that he is the bender of fire since there are flames reflecting to his every glance. His feature was intimidating, he looks so powerful on the black suit he was wearing.

"Who are we waiting for? It's been a couple of hours since we get here. Why can't we start the ceremony yet?" I ask impatiently.

I think my question catch the attention of the other member of the court that's why they face in my direction. The earth bender was smiling at me, while the other two was smirking.

"You really inherited the short temper of your father Jhon" the water bender told me while plastering a smirk on his face and his hand is playing with the droplet of water that comes out from his finger. I don't mind him because I was eager to know the answers to my questions. I look at them in the eyes with determination on my face.

"Relax she'll be here in a minute and you might don't want to lose her by your sight" it was the air bender, they look at each other smile smiling. I don't understand what they mean with their statement. When I'm about to ask another question the portal where he emerge suddenly lit up. The light hurt my eyes causing me to blink many times. I wanted to turn my head to face to the other side but my wolf was resisting, causing me to stay still and watch till the woman set her foot on the floor of the court's castle. Half of her body including her face was still on the other side of the portal while the bright light continuously emitting from it.

Then I raised my eyebrows when she fell on the floor as if she was trip. It made her sit on the floor. She was checking for her knees for some scratches while her back facing us. For a while she stops moving after she notice our presence and turn her head facing our direction.

The moment she looks into my direction my wolf started to purr with joy and mix emotion on the inside. "Mate" my wolf told me she is a human. I can't explain my feelings after I found out that the girl who has arrived was my mate. I look intently at her as if memorizing her features. She has a long black hair with round brown eyes that glisten, the type of eyes that can drown you in joy when you look intently at it. Then my eyes went down to her pinkish healthy lips that cause my wolf to growl. She is beautiful with the sun kiss color of skin. She's perfect for me she have the features of being my Luna.

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