Chapter 10: Her Smile

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***Jhon was completely eaten up by hatred in his heart that was strengthening by the spell bound on the knife he was holding. He is indeed a hunter, the blood of a hunter from his mother was running through his veins. The spell is so strong that even his wolf can't break through.

But the moment he saw her fall from that cliff with wound on her neck which is cause by him, his emotion suddenly change. But it was so briefly before he was consumed again.

Maria on the other hand was flying back to her kingdom as she was being led only by Edelyn

Darren's POV

I am now sitting beside her on her bed after her demon take over to take her home. The wound on his neck is now getting worst. No demon can heal this type of wound since it was so fatal to be with contact on the hunter's weapons.

She then woke up after a few hours and cast some concealing spell on her neck so hide it. She only had hours left which is equal for one day in human world. I don't want her to die but there is nothing I can do about it.

We went to the parliaments when we receive a message that Ryuk and Lilith is the one behind Jhon's behaviour. They use him knowing that he is a hunter and that Maria and he was mate. They wanted to kill her in hopes to take over the kingdom. But Maria wastes no chance and went directly on their direction. After a few minutes we reach them and fight them till we succeed and win against them. Maria never planned on killing Ryuk but instead he punish him sending him into a place with no exit and any source of life he will be sentence to be imprison on the darkness he made together with his mate Lilith.

After the fight Maria's hour was becoming shorter and shorter. That's why after she was done, she made her way back into the human world to meet and bid goodbye to her friends.

Maria's POV

I went to the human world enduring the pain on my neck. I was bleeding and dying within just a few hours. But I cast a spell on it for them not see any of my suffering. I wanted to be with them and spend my remaining life with them. Not wanting them to remember me in pain.

As I step on to the human world that's where I notice that the sky was back to its radiant blue color. Birds start to chirp again and all life forms on earth were back. And because of the changes I made no creatures of the dark needs to hide. No other creatures treated unequal. All human and mystical creatures now free to live and love in harmony.

I walk my way towards my friends that are now on a garden at the outside of our condo.

I see Mariel to notice me first so I smile at her as she approaches me. I talk to them and laugh with them, taking every happy memory I can from them. When I feel that it was about time to leave them I hugged each of them and I smile genuinely. They were confused by my action but still end up returning my embrace with the same intensity of emotion and longing.

Then I walk toward my favorite spot on earth it was on the hill where I used to star gazed. And also the same place where we used to go when we want to just with each other. I found him lying and staring at the sky. It was nearly night time and stars starts to show up. I lay just right beside him as I feel him stiffened shock from my presence.

And when he sat up and gaze down on me to look at me in my eyes I smile at him.

"I thought that I was really going to lost you" he said while holding my hand as he plant a small kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry, sorry for everything that I have said and done" he apologizes sincerely

"We all made mistake in our life that we wish we could undone. But there are also things that no matter how bad it was we can't do anything against it but to just simply accept it and let it pass and move on. We may do a lot of mistakes but the important thing is we learn from each of it. Stop blaming yourself for everything because there are really things that are meant to happen even how badly we wish for it not to" I said as I trace his face making a sketch on my mind of how he looks like for me not to forget this amazing man.

We may not end up into a happy ending but I was glad to have at least experience having him in my life. Knowing it was already a great privilege to be a part of his life as well even into a short period of time. I'm glad to meet him and can't ask more than another chance of a life time to spend with him.

I smile sweetly on him as I feel my body starting to fade when my spell lost its powers. A tear escape from my eyes not a tear of pain but happiness and as well as tears of prayers. It was a silent prayer to be sent above, asking for him to give me a chance to meet this man again. In another life, another time, another body, but in the same love I knew we both share.

And my smile finally fades as the remaining parts of me were blew by the wind in the dark and chilly night.

4 Years had pass_____

It's been four years since Maria was gone. Human used to live their lives naturally. Being with mystical creatures is now an ordinary yet amazing thing as they live in harmony. The sky opens wide radiating its magical color of blue as sun rays pass through the thin layer of clouds. It was such a magical morning as birds chirp with magical melody. Flowers bloom as fairies sprinkle fair dust after the little human girl water the plant.

Naiad nymph and water benders are in the middle of the river as they help human wash their clothes. They bend waters to help clean the stain on the fabric. While others of them help men in making a dam for the water. On the other side of the river women and other fairies grow and harvest plants for their consumption.

However on the river bank some other creatures help human plow the fields. While some of them help human build houses. Demons were already allowed to mingle with human. No creature hides in the dark, all of them were given the chance to live the way human used to. They don't need to cloak their real appearance for human learn to accept them.

Mariel finally go home and found the man she love patiently waiting for her. Christian hugged her tight as he welcomed her. Then after four years they end up in front of the chapel to attend their own wedding. Their friends were so happy while looking at them. Lyka and Erwin were sitting beside each other while holding their twins. While Alexa was carrying their first unborn child with her merman mate named Ryan. Ivy on the other hand was now silently sitting beside them while wait for mate to arrive, due to his duties Dan was always late in all events they attended.

They all clap as the end of ceremony when a big powerful wolf attacks the groom. Then they all look towards its direction and start to laugh when the wolf starts to lick the groom. It was Jhon greeting his friend and congratulating him for his wedding.

"Looks like you've traveled from a far, where have you been?" Christian asks him

"you know me, I attend to some of important meetings and just run my way back here to attend" he said while shrugging off the dirt on his body when she finally shift. His bare chest was still exposed for he is not able to look for his shirt. Right there the burned mark on his chest reminding him his rejection to his mate and at the same time her death was stained his skin.

Jhon's POV

After attending to Mariel's wedding I went to the hill where we use to stargaze at the night sky. Every year I came here once to remember her as the wind blew around me, making me feel her presence on the air. I close my eyes and remember her face and the last night that I had with her.

I let her slip into my hand as air takes her away from me. Taking away the woman I love. Pain in my chest is unbearable knowing that I am the reason for the loss of my beloved. I killed her with my own bare hands. But due to her request of not to end my life and to continue living even without her I bear the pain and smile as I see the most sweet and loving smile that I can ever see in my entire life that was drawn on her beautiful face.

And it was my punishment to continue living my life having only her memories with me to hold on. That I was once had a mate and I killed her for she is mated to her killer.

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