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***Within the few minutes they reach the human world right exactly in the front desk of the school reception's lobby.

Jhon's POV

It was a short trip for all of us and we already emerge at the portal. It was a while when I realize that we are standing in front of the desk in the reception's lobby. I was snap out in reality when the woman in front speak to us. "What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to pick your things up and carry it to your dorms? You're already enrolled". She said or rather yell at us.

That's when we realize that each of us is holding some piece of paper which confirmed about our registration on the school. As I look on my side I see that there's a luggage, the one the receptionist is referring to a while ago. But we don't have it as we enter the portal in the court, which made me think that maybe the owls had prepared it for us the way they set things for our enrollment.

When I'm about to grab the bag with my other free hand that's when I figure out that I am still holding the soft hands of my Luna. Just like me she looks so puzzled, which made her so cute even more in my eyes. I guide her to walk as I hold her hands tight and pull her to follow me. I also grab the papers on her hand and according to it our room is just next to each other which made me smile. The court really planed everything considering my situation, not letting me have a room far from my mate. Knowing that, that type of set up will be so hard for both of us.

We carry our luggage as we head towards the old building which will serve as our dorm. It was a ten story building with Gothic design architecture, surrounded by a wide perfectly mowed loan. It has a few trees and a beautiful landscape on the middle. There were street lights that lighting our way as we walk on a brick inspired foot walk.

***It is sun set and the sky is turning to a fascinating crimson red color. The seven successor is on they're room. They finished unpacking their clothes so they decided to take a rest. After a while they went out of their room and decided to go to the cafeteria at the ground floor of their building. They buy foods and order a take-out and bring it upstairs as they planned to eat in the rooftop.

Erwin is playfully teasing Lyka as they ascend up stairs by poking her cheeks. Alexa and Ivy is quietly walking as they hold their tray of food. Jhon is carrying Maria's food while they're having a conversation. However Mariel is having fun sprinkling fairy dust to the flowers on the vase that was placed on the only table at the rooftop.

The boys prepared the chairs and clean the table. When the boys were done cleaning the girls place their food in the table. Erwin is setting up the light bulb while Jhon is fixing the broken switch to provide them light. Once they're done they started to eat.

Mariel's POV

When I'm done ordering for my food, I instantly go out of the cafeteria. When I see a dancing firefly outside I followed it and it guide me to the flowers that was placed on the vase. It was my favorite flower, a kind of flower which you can only see on our kingdom. That's why I know that it was sent for me by Christian. I sprinkled a fairy dust on it to keep it alive for a month.

We set things up for us to comfortably eat, and when we are done eating our meal we decided to have a little fun to get to know each other.

"OK guys who is up for an open forum, ya know some sort of getting to know each other type of late night games". I suggest to them since I don't know them that much. I mean I only met them early this morning when we are at the court. Base on their facial expression I can say that they like my idea.

So I guide them to sit on the floor as I get an empty bottle. We formed a circle leaving enough space at the center and I place the empty bottle in the middle. They were eager to start the game that's why I already tell them the mechanics of the game. "So here, I used to peek on the human world often that's why I know this game. And I can see that they're really having a lot of fun". With that I see Maria smile at me agreeing on my statement.

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