The Meet and Greet 「1」

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Tomorrow is the day.
I'm going to meet Mikey!

I'm so excited to see him finally because he kinda saved my life.
When my parents divorced, he made me smile again. 
Even if I rather wanted to cry.
He's my motivation for everything!
He made me the person I am now.
And all that beautiful stuff he has done to me did I wrote into this 4 pages long letter.

Fast I took a shower before I went to bed. I realy don't want so stink when I meet Mikey and Bryce.

So I let the water drop on me with my thoughts of tomorrow.
Is he going to remember me?
Am I just another fan to him?
Hopefully he is going to read the letter.
After the shower I lay down in my bed and I immediately fell asleep.

It's 10 am.
While the warm sun shines into my room someone tore the door open.


I sat up and grin.
Normaly I would go with a friend to the meet and greet but sorry I forgot I have no friends.

"Mum! What should I wear!?"

I totaly forgot about that.

We went to the closet.
Gosh, so many clothes but nothing to wear.
"Jas calm down just wear something comfy and that you like", she replied.

Am I overreacting?
I mean I'm gonna see Brikey!

Finally I picked my gray champion sweater with some ripped boyfriend jeans and my Nike huarache in blue.

I straightened my wavy (chocolate) brown hair and put a little bit of make up on.

After I had a delicious breakfast we were about to go.
Loud music came out of the car-radio, so we sang along.

We arrived after a 1 hour drive. Finally.
I took a deep breath: "Mum, I'm

"Jas, you gonna have fun. Calm down he's just a boy who makes some YouTube videos. So get out of the car and have a great day!! I'll wait here",she answerd.

So I took my bag and jump out of the car. He's not just a YouTuber!! He's my everything!
I entered the building. There were so many people that I just could breath hardly. Because the meet and greets are before the show I went upstairs to look for the place where it will be.

No one was in the second floor so I searched downstairs.
But there is just the stage and the people which were waiting for the show.  Panic fills my body slowly.

Breath Jasmin you have to breath!

Everything is spinning in my head. My knees are weak. Don't get a panic attack now Jas!
Tears are filling my eyes.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see a girl smiling at me. Everything is okay now. She has blonde long hair and green eyes. "are you looking for something", she asked.
"Uhm, yeah kinda, do you know where the meet and greets are?"
"yes ofcours but we have to hurry because I came a little bit late so we're one of the last ones", she replied while she puts her hair behind her ear.
As she started walking I followed her and asked: "What's your name?", "Lou and yours?" , "Jas"
We were almost running to the meet and greet room. 
Lou went first and I was the last one.

As I went in everyone were smiling and staring at me.
I was kinda embarrassesd but I smiled back.
I hugged everyone and took pictures till I got to Mikey.

He spread his arms and smiled. I felled in his arms while he pulls me tight.  He smelles so good. A little bit like coconut.
As we pulled away a tear rolled down my cheek followed by many others.
But I smiled.
"I love you", I say while looking in his big brown eyes.
He wiped my tears away with his thumbs. 
"Don't cry. I'll be there for you and I love you more.",he said calm.

Somehow I was very shy.

"Uhm... I have a letter for you... And I want you to read it. But not now. Because it's very important to me. ", I stutter like a little kid.
"Ofcours!",he smiled and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.

A firework starts in my body.

Then he starts saying: "I'm so happy that such a pretty girl like you is my supporter. I'm so glad... Uhm... "
"Jass", I interrupted him because I knew he was thinking about my name.  "Jas, like Jasmin?" he asked.
I nod quietly.
Then we hugged for the last time.
He whispers in my ear:"your hair smells delicious like coconut"
I giggled and felt how my face blushed.
The security guard were staring at me for about 5 minutes.
"I think I have to go",I said while I made a sign to wards the men.
He nod with a smile and a sad expression in his eyes.
Before I was about to go through the door I turned.
Mikey had a hot discussion with Bryce.
I smiled and went to the show room.
So guys that was the first part.
I hope you liked it😇
Hopefully you'll read the whole story

Much love XXx ~M

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