Those three words {9}

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"Men, what the fuck are you doing?!", I heard Mikey yeling at me. It seemed like a dream to me. "shhhhh, shes sleeping", These words came out of my mouth as it wasn't mine . "Don't fucking shush me", Mikey was obviously angry.
My view went blurry. Wow, I'm drunk. "Fuck, bro she isn't even 18 and you filled her up!"
He lifted her up and took her into his room.


Jas's eyes opened a little bit, while she was leaning closer into my chest.
I realy didn't wanted to know what else happend in Nicks room.
I've putten her body on my bed. She looked so fragile.
God, I was disappointed. Feeling her hair on my Hands, I tied it up into a bun.
The blanked marked the contour of her Body. My eyes filled with tears.
The whole night i was playing some stupid Video games. I was tired but I couldn't sleep.
Taking a shower the next morning to clear up my Feelings, my mental Situation got worse.
I had two Panic attacks last night.
After I got out of the shower ,I drank a coffee while sitting on the chouch.
"what's wrong Mikey? You never drink coffee", Bryce came into the room.
Taking a deep bresth I answered: "I haven't sleeped last night"
He asked why I didn't have sleeped so I explained everything.
"I realy don't know what to say but I don't think that Nick did something to her."

"Bryce you're right. I did all by myself. I took the bottles of beer up stairs and nothing else happend we were just drinking and then I fell a sleep....", suddenly Jas said Standing next to us.
"I'm sorry but don't blame Nick for anything he made nothing... I guess I should go now.", she continued. What? I thought she got filled up...
Meanwhile she took her bag and left the house.
A voice in my head said I should run after her , and so did I.
And so I found myself again running out of the house with my Gucci slides on.
Last time it was because she cut beaten up by some stupid school kids, and be honest I really don't know why I ran after her.
I saw her walking down the street very slow.
Finally standing right behind her my hands automatically grabbed her waist and turned Jas towards me.
Tears overall her face, but as she realized it was me in front of her she fell to the ground.
Wiping her hair out of her face I whispered: "Baby, I'm so sorry"
"No I have to apologize, I messed up your life", I immediately interrupted her: "No you made it so much better, and ofcours I was disappointed that you drank that much beer but I thought that you have made out or something..."
"Buy you told me that we're just best friends so it wouldn't matter if I did"
" would have mattered, my gosh Jas you know that I have those kind of feelings for you"
Her eyes were glowing up.
"You do?",she asked not quite sure.
I laied my hand on her cheek comming closer and closer. The sweet smell of her was tickling my nose.

She softly pushes me away from her. No kiss for today. Sigh.
"Mikey...  I just want to go home now because everything is dizzy right now", she sounded very weak.

"I'm going to call Bryce to pick us up"
As soon a Bryce came she tried to stand up but failed, so I lifted her up and sat her in the car. 
The Sound of Jas crying filled up the silent in the car. 
After she calmed down she leaned towards me an wispered:"I love you Mikey... But I'm depressiv and I don't want to hurt you" She leaned back and looked out of the window. 
I love you Mikey. 
She freaking loves me! Jas loves me. 
I took the pen witch was laying there ind wrote something on her hand. She looked confused at me and wiped her tears away.
She totally has blown my mind. 

Later, when I sat in my room I finally chose to look at my Hand. I hadn't the courage before . 

i'm also kind of depressiv 
Ps. Love you too <3 

 was written on my hand. I called him after . 
"Hello?",he answered. 
"Michael Barone", I wispered. 
"Jasmin Blackford, good that you're calling I already missed you"
"You're depressiv too huh?",I asked directly.
"Not quiet sure but had panick-attacks"
We talked a lot about our problems and family issues. I have had never thought that his parents were divorced and he had a pretty rough time.
"Can you imagine I finish school in 3 months?", I asked him excited.
Nothing.  "Mikey? Are you there?", I asked. Nothing. Maybe he hung up because he thought 2 hours talking to her is enough. Then I heard a little sigh like he was sleeping.

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